nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) May 9, 2006 #11,181 Sanders (It's lunchtime and I'm hungry fro KFC! )
CaptainQuark 93 93/93 May 9, 2006 #11,188 b0ll0cks ::ha:: OK, OK, we've been skirting around this one for a while now, so I just decided to come out and say it! Moderator !
b0ll0cks ::ha:: OK, OK, we've been skirting around this one for a while now, so I just decided to come out and say it! Moderator !
nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) May 9, 2006 #11,189 moderation (kind of an oxymoron for a moderator sometimes, no?? )
CaptainQuark 93 93/93 May 9, 2006 #11,191 tutti (So what is it you're saying, Nixgeek – that our esteemed moderators are morons…?)
nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) May 9, 2006 #11,193 fresh (Actually, no. I only said a moderator. You applied it to those here....I would never do such a thing <place smiley for kissing butt here >)
fresh (Actually, no. I only said a moderator. You applied it to those here....I would never do such a thing <place smiley for kissing butt here >)
Qion Uber Nothing May 9, 2006 #11,194 paella (You know, I had no idea the word "bollocks" even existed. You Europeans and your bogroll slang... hmph. ¿Lo es todo necesario realmente?)
paella (You know, I had no idea the word "bollocks" even existed. You Europeans and your bogroll slang... hmph. ¿Lo es todo necesario realmente?)
CaptainQuark 93 93/93 May 9, 2006 #11,196 Hamba gahle (Just posted on the "Spanish thread" thread and got into a multi-lingual frame of mind. And OF COURSE our moderators aren't morons! And yes, the British, especially, do like their witticisms in a bodypart-cum-lavatorial vein.)
Hamba gahle (Just posted on the "Spanish thread" thread and got into a multi-lingual frame of mind. And OF COURSE our moderators aren't morons! And yes, the British, especially, do like their witticisms in a bodypart-cum-lavatorial vein.)
CaptainQuark 93 93/93 May 10, 2006 #11,198 dazed ("Hamba gahle"="Go well" in Zulu, meaning "Good bye" to someone who is leaving. The proper response is "Sala gahle", meaning "Stay well".)
dazed ("Hamba gahle"="Go well" in Zulu, meaning "Good bye" to someone who is leaving. The proper response is "Sala gahle", meaning "Stay well".)