Qion Uber Nothing Jul 23, 2006 #11,881 slysdexia (Thought I might as well misspell -thanks nix!-. Congradulations to you both... especially ora )
slysdexia (Thought I might as well misspell -thanks nix!-. Congradulations to you both... especially ora )
nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) Jul 23, 2006 #11,882 Oh man, you're right ora! I hadn't even noticed! And thanks for the conrats. And Qion, you must have heard me say that! I use that phrase all the time. And with that, Yoda! ::ha::
Oh man, you're right ora! I hadn't even noticed! And thanks for the conrats. And Qion, you must have heard me say that! I use that phrase all the time. And with that, Yoda! ::ha::