ora Registered Aug 23, 2006 #12,329 pamphlet (both are good words for hangman as they have so few vowels )
lurk Mitä? Aug 23, 2006 #12,331 JAWS! // Da da, da da, da da da da da da da da /// How should I write the Jaws theme...
nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) Aug 23, 2006 #12,338 Portage (Sorry, it's the end of the day and my brain is fried from working on Active Directory all day )
Portage (Sorry, it's the end of the day and my brain is fried from working on Active Directory all day )
ora Registered Aug 23, 2006 #12,339 michigan (i sympathize, mine was fried from way too many phone conferences today)