Magic Database - Ever heard of it?


I'm developing a web site for an educational establishment and they currently house all their course information in a database called Magic.

Do any of you people know if I can access the database content via PHP sql etc or are there any options for easily transferring data to a web site mysql version of the database. Basically I'm looking for an automated process between the contents of the magic database and the web site.

If anyone has worked with Magic before it would be good to hear from you especially if you're after some freelance work developing this element of the site.

hey man,
Ive never heard of Magic until this post.... but doing a quick search it seems it export to tab delimited. Which u can port into mysql no problem. If you have phpmyadmin hit the sql button and paste the export from magic into it....

Exporting from Magic
You can export quite easily by emailing yourself, or just pressing the email button and doing a cut and paste from the text box. The output is tab seperated. Most database and spreadsheet programs will allow you to import tab seperated data. Just copy and paste it into a text file, and import the file following the instructions for your application.
Thanks for your reply. I looks like it'll be a semi-automated system they'd have to use to update the web site. It might not be possible at all though, I'll have to break it to them gently, installing it was probably one of those 'it seemed like a good idea at the time'!


p.s. I think it only runs on PC? Anyone know of a mac version?