MAIL: Take Offline, Take Online


I don't understand that function in MAIL about Take Online and Take Offline. Just what is this thing for? In Online Status in the Mailbox menu, it shows my mailboxes and their status. Is this a way of NOT checing mail for certain boxes? If they are all set to Go Online then I assume all mailboxes get check when pressing command/shift/N, correct?

Is there a reason some of them would go offline on their own?
This is a way to prevent error messages after every 5mins (depanding what value you set for checking mails) that it was not possible to access the server. Mostly you will need to type login and password and this can be really painful. Instead of this, Mail tests the mailbox and if it's not available, it will tell you: offline. This can be due to your missing internet connection or due to a prob with the server. However, after the next check, it will switch to online, if everything was fine.
I love this function. My outlook on pc really drove me crazy with asking me to retry the login data..
Yup, it will get online after it successfully logged to the server. Depands on your time schedule for asking the mailserver.
This thing still has me confussed. Sometimes there is this small icon that looks like a lightning bolt. If you click on it, it goes away. Am I supposed to click on it or leave it alone? If I leave it alone will some mailboxes not get checked?
this tilde sign stands for your offline mode. It indicated, that your previous mail requests didn't get an answer due to your mail server or you internet connection. This mostly happenes when your mac wakes up after sleep. Mail will check for mails right after waking up, but the network isn't yet up. After the next cycle of checking for mails, it will automatically switch to online. If you want to check for your mails right away, it is enough to press "Get Mail". If it works, the tilde will be gone..
"If you want to check for your mails right away, it is enough to press "Get Mail". If it works, the tilde will be gone."

If it isn't gone does that mean I am not getting mail from one or more mailboxes? Any reason it wouldn't be gone? I understand if I check my mail too often it will not go away but other thann that, more times than not, it is there.
do you have a proper permanent internetconnection or is it a dial up? And what value did you take for the mail-account refreshing? All 5mins or below? Some servers block too frequent mail-requests.
I have a permanent fiber optical connection. I have MAIL set up to check for new mail manually. Do you think I should have mail check automatically every 15 minutes? I will ask my ISP about it also. As I look at Online Status, I find that some mailboxes are online and some are offline. If I try to change that, I get these stupid dialog boxes asking me for my password. Doesn't seem to matter much if I check mail once in 5 minutes or once in 5 hours.
Take the indicator for your offline mode as some sort of error message. I had a gmx account some time ago and it tend to block my login from time to time. This way I got the offline icon for that mailbox from time to time, even though the internet connection was proper. I would recommend to adjust automatical mail checking at min. 5mins. Your ISP shouldn't have a problem with this. But if 15mins are enough for you.. take that.
I'm trying to get my Apple Mail to keep the password for a new mailbox I've set up with Network Solutions. It's been buggy for months and I need to figure this out.

First of all I'm getting these lightning bolt icons next to my mailbox names. I click on them and they go away, but when I click the "Get Mail" icon I'm prompted for a password (my Earthlink mailboxes seem fine, it's just the new NS box that asks for the password over and over).

But the app won't recognize the password. I just got off the phone with NS tech support and they walked me through the steps I've been doing over and over for several weeks. I still get the password prompt and the mail won't download.

I know the password is correct because I can access the NS web mail just fine. But Apple mail seems to be the problem.

Mail v 4.2, SnowLeopard 10.6.2