making a movie out of .mov file


hi i have .mod files and i changed the file name to .mov. so now it shows it on the VLC player(not quicktime)

so i am trying to make these files to a movie. but when i tried to import these files to Imovie HD, it won't work. what should i do?

should i convert the MOD files to mov files instead of just changing the file neames..

i regret getting a macbook..
1. What's a MOD file?
2. You don't change a file's format by changing its extension.
3. Does QuickTime read those MOD files? Do they have separate
audio and video tracks? Do you have QTPro to actually save those
4. I'd regret a MacBook, too. I go Pro all the way.
1. What's a MOD file

2. MPEG Streamclip is needed to convert a obscure video file.

3. QuickTime will read those files if you pony up for the right ones. Here are just a few essential QuickTime plugins:
a) Perian - Free
b) DivX - Paid
c) Flip4Mac - Free & Paid versions
d) QuickTime MPEG 2 plugin - Paid
e) QuickTime Pro - Paid

4. You need to get some education about ALL kinds of computers! If you are going to be doing video production, on ANY platform, a laptop will be VERY slow. A desktop will be the best bet for video production. It has most always been this way since computers started doing video crunching.

OS X can handle most video formats expect the new DRM video files of Windows Media 10. You just to learn about the different forms of video/audio outputs all kinds of computers output. The answer is out there, if you are willing tom learn about them and understand them. Apple makes it living on audio/video so will a little knowledge you can do a lot of pro stiff at home with OS X.
The wikipedia link does _not_ show the MOD video format, rather the quite old music tracker-stuff file format (samples on a fixed grid, it was all the rage before MP3s came around). ;)
The wikipedia link does _not_ show the MOD video format, rather the quite old music tracker-stuff file format (samples on a fixed grid, it was all the rage before MP3s came around). ;)

Really? From the Wiki site here is the last paragraph:
Other MOD formats

MOD is also the file extension for the video file format used on many camcorders, such as the JVC Everio, and the Panasonic D-Snap SD-card camcorders.

It appears that you can just rename the MOD file extension to MPG as it appears to be a standard MPEG-2 file. Then the file is compatible with players and other software tools that can read Dolby AC-3 Surround Stereo encoding. MOD also happens to be the file extension used by the Neverwinter Nights game for game modules. This has been known to cause some confusion, as NWN modules are not playable in a music player.
oh. sorry. guess i didn't read it to the end when i noticed that it described the "other" MOD files i knew about.
OK, it's an MPEG. Let's see where we can go from there.

Use the MPG extension, not MOV.
For QuickTime to see it, buy QT MPEG Components from Apple.
Buying QT Pro would be a Good Thing.

Once you have all that and QT sees the MOD/MPG file, look to
Windows/MovieProperties. If it shows a single MUX'd A/V stream,
you'll need to split those streams into separate audio and video
components. There are some complicated free ways to do that.
I prefer having spent $23 for VisualHub.

It does it all in one step.