master of orion II


I have an ibook g4 and I just got master of orion II but it has huge problems running on classic and i was wondering if there are any patches or anything i can do to make it work better.

What kind of problems do you have?

You can find the latest patch at

I still have one problem after this Patch: The resolution doesn't change to 640x480, so I have just a small part in the middle of the screen when playing.
For the moment I solved this problem by changing the resolution manual to 640 (and afterwards I have to go out of the game using Expose and re-enter ist so it is really fullscreen).

If anybody hast a better solution for this problem I would be really glad to know!
Thanks for replying. The screen leaves the game and goes back to the operating system window only with funky colors and the only way I can do anything is by force quitting. Also a lot of the screens in the game are all crazy and i can barely see anything. I'll try the patch out though and thanks for the reply.
I have tried it with panther and tiger, the problems I have experienced are the same. The resolution does not change automatically, but I have found another big problem: The game is still going back to the OS without any message if you try to "capture" a planet (or somebody does the same with one of yours). I can't even find a error message in one of the OS-logfiles. This makes the game unplayable, for myself I can avoid it to capture a planet (not good), but sometimes you can't stop the computer from doing so.
I too have an Ibook G4. I would be very glad if somebody has a solution (especially for the "capture"-problem). Is anybody out there who does not have any problems with this classic-game?
It looks like I've found a solution by myself. With an older Patch the game doesn't crash if I try to "invade". This patch is still available here:

The game is still running a little bit strange. A few things are running way too fast while others running too slow. I think this will be something not to be solved, but it's now playable.

I hope this info will help other people to play this great game! :)