maybe we are are asking too much!!!


Out .mac petition is heard

If apple reacts great!

but then why ask for more (i'm refering to the Jaguar petition, as well as the few others)
Which reminds me of the recently coined term 'iWhiners', which - I have to admit - springs to my mind whenever I see one of those threads.

I understand that people think .mac is a bad idea altogether (or at least to charge for it and charge that much), but I never understood how people could even THINK Jaguar would be a free upgrade.

It's simple:

If you think, Jaguar should have been a free upgrade, you're a freeloader. You're a whiner. You're unrealistic and naïve. You should stop whining, grow up and either pay, steal or leave. I, and Apple with me, prefer the first option.
Second one looks appealing...

No, really, I'm all for free e-mail, but free Jaguar is just too much to ask...Apple has to make money too...
I disagree...

I think the .mac thing is atrocious. They should have at least kept the email address with limited features. Maybe 1MB email box... etc..

Then charge for everything else.

Now, as far as Jaguar is concerned...

It is utter BS... For early adopters, there should be some extra discount(not free) that rewards the people who took the iniative to move to X and adopt an OS that Apple admitted was poor.

Another point to keep in mind, is that Apple is a HARDWARE company. They are in the middle of the biggest transition in the company's history, and need to get as much of their base on board of X as quickly as possible. This will bring more developers, which will bring more applications, which will bring more users, which means more new hardware for Apple, a HARDWARE company!

If you think the amount of money that they will make by charging full price for X.2 amounts to anything serious, then you are just wrong.

Apple needs to get its user base over to X, so that it can then move on. Right now, and for the last two years, Apple has been in a very difficult transitionary period. Why make things worse by pissing on their loyal, early adopters who are the ones that will help bring the other 9 lovin' freaks over to the new OS?

If apple was smart, they would just give the damn OS away for free altogether, for this go round, so that it can complete the transition. Then worry about making money on the next big release when OS X is truly a "complete" OS and has the user base numbers to go with it.

Its just like Crack... The first hit is always free..

Well, that would certainly apply here, and could really help apple accomplish their goals of getting over 20-30% adoption by the end of the year.

Anyways... A long post, sorry... but just had to express my feelings, since everyone seems to be doing it anyway...:)
Scarecrow, I just wonder what the cut-off is for charing/not charging? Nobody that was willing to wait really had to pay for the upgrade from 10 to 10.1. You could drive to a store and pick up a copy of the upgrade for free. That's what I did. So there, those that bought 10.0 got 10.1 for free. I am much looking forward to 10.2 and will be purchasing it, but I am happy with 10.1. Is it perfect? Far from it. Was 8.5 as good as 9? Of course not. Did I expect to get 9 for free? Of course not. Apple may make better margins on hardware, but they are also a software company. The thousands of man hours and probably millions of dollars in research for Jaguar need to be recovered, why not charge $129 for it? As far as .mac, don't get me started. I think I've decided I will plop down the $50 for the first year, but I won't be happy doing, but I really do love my .mac e-mail address.
Steve was quoted as saying that they hope to have 20% by the next year.. which will then "give them more options, and they like options".

If this is so, then why not just give 10.2 free to all exisiting users until they get to that goal?

I agree that they spent lots of money on X, but that was inevitable, as they would have gone out of business, if they stayed with 9 forever. Besides, Apple and all of its OS's and software especially lately with iTunes, iMovie, etc.. has been designed to do one thing... sell hardware.

It just seems like Apple is doing what every other tech company is doing, and trying to inflate their short term profits.. at the expense of its long term loyal customers.

They are the ones that want us to move to X. So why not give every incentive possible until they have reached thier goal(20% or whatever it is)?

I dont think they should give it away for free for ever... but I just think that it is too early in the life of X to be pretending that it is fully worthy of full price for everyone no matter what.

If apple has plans for new architecture, with new machines, G5, IBM, Intel, whatever... then they need to kill 9 as quick as possible.

Saying that it is dead (OS 9), is not really true. But giving X away to get the user numbers up, is a true way of making that happen.

And this would relieve all of the tension caused by this latest Apple salvo.
*sigh*... I'm shaking my head, not believing what I see. :)

Of *course* giving away Mac OS X 10.2 CDs would let people 'adopt' Mac OS X sooner than later. But you'll have to give them 10.3 for free, too, because they won't pay for that either. And don't say no, because there are many around here that said 10.2 _must_ be free because 10.1 was...

129$ per license doesn't amount to much? We're talking about *MILLIONS* of copies sold, either through buying a new machine or by buying a retail copy of Jaguar. And millions times hundreds amount to? Yes, CASH.

Apple spends man-hour after man-hour developing software. For example iMovie. iTunes. iPhoto. Or Mac OS X. I'm sure that amounts to some money, too, because those developers are paid by Apple. Margins in hardware are not _that_ great either.

And just don't forget the one important thing here: Apple is not in this business for fun only. They are, believe me, but they're also in this business for profits. Most shareholders would say 'hopefully!'.

Also, giving away Mac OS X CDs won't convert the OS 9 faithful. X was introduced 1.5 years ago. It's not that those 9ers think OS X is a disease that might go away. It's also not that the 129 bucks are hindering them (well, maybe one or two). It's three things why people are still using OS 9: Fear, Workflow & Old Machines.

Fear: They somehow think they can't cope with all the new stuff they'd have to learn and the old stuff they'd have to abandon. A free OS X CD might do _some_ good here, but people afraid of the OS won't harm their partitions, right?

Workflow: Some things just don't work the way they used to (yet). All shops with a Quark XPress workflow don't have a reason to switch to OS X just yet. A free OS X CD doesn't do much good here.

Old Machines: They simply don't _run_ OS X. Or, the newer ones, not well. If you want to get serious work done under OS X, you'll need a G4 and 512 MB of RAM. In each machine. A free OS X CD doesn't do much good here.

Mac OS X is a work of art. But a work nonetheless. And work must be paid.

It's perfectly clear that .mac (or at least the part that was iTools) is a service you had before (for free) and you don't have now (unless you pay). Jaguar is something you haven't had before. You wouldn't want it that badly if you had. It'll cost you 129$. Or you'll get it free with a new machine. iWhiners...
But Apple is a HARDWARE company, and their margins are absurdly large. They make a killing by selling machines with older RAM, slower buses, etc... not to mention the price is just plain higher, altough that is getting better.

And yes, they could very easily say that 10.3 will be paid...

All they would have to do is say" 10.2 will bring feature parity and "finish" the OS. Besides a few .xx releases, the next version 10.3 will be a paid upgrade."

If they did this before hand, rather than dumping it on everyone along with all the other crap from New York, I dont think you would see the responses that you call "iwhiners" like the are today.

Everyone who honestly uses OS X, in any incarnation currently available, has to admit, that it is just not a "complete" OS yet. Printing, Scanning, Networking, UI details, etc... are all severely lacking(and I have been in X completely for a year now...) is not a complete OS.

Apple admits that OS X is a big transition for its users, and will take time to get up to speed. Well, why should people who bought the alpha(10.0) and then upgraded to the beta(10.1) be forced to fork out even more cash just to get a "complete OS"?

Also, why is Apple acting different then any other Software company? You say that they are a software company as well? Then they should act like one. I dont have to fork out $700 bucks for Photoshop 7, when I have PS 6... I get a reduced upgrade price. Why should Apple's OS be any different? Especially with the problems I mentioned above since its inception?


Oh, and one last thing... Apple is a HARDWARE company, that just happens to do the software as well..

I cant install windows on it, or something else... I am forced to use their OS.(not totally true, but you get the point..) so saying that if I want it bad enough, I will pay for it, just doesn't cut it. Its like Ford selling a car, but making it so that the steering wheel need to be re-purchased every year just in order to make the car run...

Again, to summarize, I am not saying that Apple has to give it away for free, although I think it would be a goog idea at this point... I am just saying that for people that already own it, they should get a price break, just like any other software company does... not to mention that I also spent $3000+ dollars on their machines... so I think I should be given some kind of perk....

And dont call me a iwhiner... I am bringing up valid points, and making a clear argument. If you cant handle that, tough... I am not calling you an iAsshole.. (maybe I should)...:rolleyes:
Whereas 10.0 was not, I think of 10.1 as a completely useable OS. I don't mind paying for Jaguar, cause I don't have to pay. I can, if I want, stay in 10.1.
iTools was different, that was something I had and they "took from me", Jaguar is something I'll pay for if I want it.
Apple is becoming a software comany, though: Final Cut Pro, Cinema Tools, DVD Studio Pro, Shake, Logic, PowerSchool, WebObjects, etc. These are way more high-margin than their hardware.
i just wish that they would give the $20 upgrade disc to anyone that baught a 10.1 Full cd at any time. i mean I would be willing to pay $30!!!
Yes, I can anyone's logic who thinks that Apple MUST give for free Jaguar or even for $20...

Let just look at other offerings:
M$ comes out and gives away Office X:Mac just because they released it in less than a year after Office 2001:Mac and because it had more than 1500 bugs...
Or Corel will give for free Corel 11 because after all they will release it in less than 8 months after version 10 was out...
Or Symantec will give away for free Norton SystemWorks 2 just because they released it in less than a year than the previous version...
Can you get the point? Other than browsers and some small utilities out there, have you seen any REALLY free app in the magnitude of Jaguar lately? I don't think so!

Jaguar, .Mac and Apple products in general WORTH any $ that Apple asks for, no questions asked! And if you don't like it there is always the Dark Side to switch at... Stop whining because even if you do, millions will buy Jaguar and maybe .Mac too! :D
You are all saying that we are whining...

You are all saying that Apple is more than hardware and is about software too...


Then answer my previous question of why Apple should be any different than Nortons, Corel, Adobe, Microsoft, etc.. etc..?

Why is there not an upgrade path? Like I said, I dont have to pay for Photoshop full price, or any software... for that matter, if I already own a previous copy...

Why not Apple?

Just does not make sense.

They are trying to bilk every nickel and every dime, at the expense of their loyal userbase that adopted their OS even before it was really ready.

If Adobe came out with PS 7, and told all of its PS 6 users, there would be no upgrade path, you dont think a bunch of people would be upset? They'd all be whiners huh?

Sorry guys, I said I "think it would be a good idea" to give Jagauar for free....

But, I when it comes down to it, I will buy.. I would just like to have an upgrade path, like I deserve... thats all.... and .. no, not the @20 for shipping... thing... I would pay a reasonable upgrade amount...

As for staying in 10.1... Well, you cant really use that argument, as it is impossible to stay in any OS version... for long, if you use current software... New versions of photoshop, etc.. will eventully force to run 10.2 or 20.5 or what ever in order to install PS 9 or GoLive13...

So that argument doesn't work.

Ahh.. well, its not gonna happen... so I am done... Just wanted to voice my opinion... and you call me a whiner, well... more power to you guys I guess...

I guess Apple IS becoming more like MS... Its users are starting to act like sheep...

If only someone sold anti-RDF glasses or something, because you guys who believe this is okay to charge full price to loyal existing users, are totally looped by the SpinJobs™... :(
Originally posted by fryke
Which reminds me of the recently coined term 'iWhiners', which - I have to admit - springs to my mind whenever I see one of those threads.

ROFL. That's a good one. iWhiners, LOL.

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH.. Apple spends countless millions of dollars to develop OSX, and they have the nerve to charge us 129 dollars? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH.
Originally posted by SCARECROW
Then answer my previous question of why Apple should be any different than Nortons, Corel, Adobe, Microsoft, etc.. etc..? Why is there not an upgrade path? Like I said, I dont have to pay for Photoshop full price, or any software... for that matter, if I already own a previous copy...

Apple does have an upgrade path. The 129$ price tag is for an upgrade, because as a Mac user, you have bought a Mac - which already contains a license for a version of Mac OS. Every Mac OS package is an upgrade package. It makes no sense to have a 'full' version, as you can't buy a Mac without a Mac OS license.
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH.. Apple spends countless millions of dollars to develop OSX, and they have the nerve to charge us 129 dollars? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH.

And we being Apple users, spend countless Billions of dollars on buying mac equipment and software. So what is your point?

Fryke... Your theory is just plain stupid... No offence...

Why should there not be a discount for 10.1 owners?

"Every Mac OS package is an upgrade package." Huh?

Why has Apple in the past, always offered discount upgrade pricing? Answer - Because it is the right thing to do, and they knew it...

Why do they even sometimes give away updates, like 10.1? Answer, because Apple knew that OS X was unfinished and would cause an uproar.

Well, This time, apple has apparently decided that it may be worth it to piss off a few, in order to make a few bucks...even though they still know better, and no that OS X is still not considered "complete" without Jaguar.

Why do you think they are using the name Jaguar in a release for the very first time? Why do you think Phil is dodging questions in interviews, and why do you think Steve is waving his Jedi mind trick crap with anti-MS ranting and jabs?

Because they are attempting to screw their userbase, and they know it.. Their marketing company gave them a plan of attack, that would lessen the blow, so to speak, and that is what they are doing.

You guys are falling for it, 100% head over heels...

Spending countless millions on software that is needed to run your own equipment you sell, is part of doing business..

Remember Altair? Well, they were just hunks of chips, transistors, and diodes without an OS.... and they knew it.

You cant compare Apple with Windows, as Windows IS a software company, and that is where they make their money.

Apple is the opposite. They may be moving to more of a software company, but they still sell hardware, and it still needs an OS.. so they have to incur those costs of SW development just to sell boxes.

Do you think they would sell very many imacs or Powermacs, if it did not come with an OS? Answer- No.. they would starve, and go out of business.
Not sure if this was posted yet but this is an interesting point about jaguar and upgrade pricing.

I wouldnt have minded 20 bucks off or something since I just bought a couple of macs 2 months ago and have 10.1.4 proof of purchase coupons.

But The point I was going to make is that if they charge $0 for 10.2, and it really turns out to be amazingly fast and everything we want, many people will just not pay for 10.3 and above if its 130 bucks because "we already have what we need/want" to speak.

Jaguar for free is ludicrous.
i dont see why we've had to pay for any OS since 7.5.3 (free from apples website), i want a refund of every penny i've spent on the mac OS since then :rolleyes:
Oh, and one last thing... Apple is a HARDWARE company, that just happens to do the software as well..

I cant install windows on it, or something else... I am forced to use their OS.(not totally true, but you get the point..)

First of all, Apple is a COMPANY. To say they are either a hardware company or software company is ridiculous. Like that rationalizes them in to giving away software for free. They are a computer company - and that title encompasses hardware, software, and now personal digital applicances (iPod) and Internet Service Solutions (.Mac). They do all of this to MAKE MONEY.

To address your other point, you are not forced in to using their OS. Their are at least three flavors of Linux available for just about every PPC machine out there. There is also OS 9. Not to mention the long since updated BeOS, which will run on most G3's.

Anyway, you are encouraged by Apple to use their OS, but that still doesn't give you the right to demand OS udpates for free. And I don't by this argument that OS X 10.1 is an "unfinished OS". I've been using it day in and day out since build 4K32 was making the rounds on the web. Every OS is a work in progress, but that doesn't mean it's "unfinished". Windows 3.1 lacked tons of features that other OSes had, but it was never labelled an "unfinished OS" and I doubt PC users would have been so naive to expect Microsoft to give them Windows 95 to appease them.

Bottom line - get real, grow up, and realize that Apple gives a heck of a lot away free, only to entice you in to buying new hardware from them and keep you buying Macs. But once you buy a Mac, they aren't entitled to keep the freebie gravy train rolling.
I tend to agree that .mac is way too M$. But I don't understand at all why people don't expect to buy 10.2. When was the last paid upgrade? 1.0, a year and a half ago. I have not seen any solid arguments as to why it should be free other than 'I don't wanna, boo hoo hoo'.