MDD - Can you put a 1.25 chip/logic Brd in a 1.47 MDD?


In my search for a way to repair/replace my dual MDD 1.25, I've come across a real deal on a MDD dual 1.42Ghz

But I don't want to buy it if I can't eventually swap processors if the time comes, with my "new" 1.25 Ghz parts (CPU and logic board.

Note: I already HAVE the new dual 1.25 motherboard AND processor to work with,
So the question really is...

If I got the dual 1.42 and it's chips and/or board goes,
can I swap the new, working 1.25 motherboard and chip into that machine?

If I can't, I'll just keep looking for a more compatible 1.25 dual or a 1.0 or 867mHz machine... I think those 3 models can swap parts.

Is the above true?
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Hey Jesse,
Way to make me feel really reeeeeeally "duh"....
just for that, no thanks for you.....::ha::

.....well, ok..., I'll take the abuse just this one time & return thanks.::love::

...(you're dern lucky "the internets" is anonymous....)

You see, I had two computers go down at once.
Only having two to begin with....
that left me with....
Let's see....

Two minus two equals.......... computers.
I had no computers...

I had nothing to test or swap parts with.
All I had, other than some pinout charts, was a "kinda sorta" repair manual, my wits, and a little multi tester.

I'm borrowing my wife's right now, & have been for 2 months. yuk...

First, I had to deal with the G5 issue (sister machine arrived today), and after some testing later,
I will post what may be something of interest regarding the efforts to troubleshoot that issue..
Hopefully and finally, adding some knowledge and insight to the board in hopes of assisting other semi-non super techs...
That's why we're here, right? I'm an expert on the other board I participate in, but it has nothing to do with computers.

This experience the past two months, has been... humbling, to say the least :rolleyes:

Put another way, I hope to earn my keep here by sharing the answers to all the questions I've asked, because early next week, I will then have sister machines to both the MDD 1.25 AND the G5 (btw I didn't bid on the 1.42... no one answered here and the auction ended). I did however immediately acquire a MDD dual 1.25 for a fair price. It's been a money issue all along.:o

It's probably better for the board members in the end, because when that machine arrives, I should be able determine EXACTLY what was AND was NOT wrong with my MDD in the first place.
Yea me...
no worries... not at all perturbed or insulted in any way.
You know how it is... I think everyone who has & works with computers has been in a similar predicament at one point or another.

What DOES excite me finally being able to post (hopefully) most of the answers, so that others,
who's recent topic titles seem to indicate that they are experiencing some and maybe the exact same problems.

So, I'm veeeeery interested to see what the test results are, when I get to it.
And I really DO feel an obligation to post the results because of the kindness and patience shown to me on the board, as I went through the agonizing process... without any positive result. ::evil::

When the G5 box showed up at the door today I felt kinda like.....
(efx: song from The Wizard of OZ...)
"you're out'a the woods, you're out of the dark, you're out of the night....
la la la la laaa laaa"