Memory buying/installing Question

sorry - still unclear...

to get a benefit of a total overall upgrade of 1gb extra ram (which will be 2gb in total, with my current ram), i want to buy 2x 512 sticks....?

am i right?
Lt Major Burns said:
i know i need to get a GB of extra memory for my mac. i also know i need to buy in twins
Using twins may provide a barely perceptible speed increase, but also will hinder future RAM upgrade options since at least one 512 MB stick would have to be removed. I would buy a 1 GB stick. Yes, crucial means 2 512s.
The Ghost said:
Using twins may provide a barely perceptible speed increase, but also will hinder future RAM upgrade options since at least one 512 MB stick would have to be removed. I would buy a 1 GB stick. Yes, crucial means 2 512s.
If Lt Major Burns has the Powermac G5 listed in his post, then there's no choice but adding RAM in identical pairs. Adding 1GB requires a pair of 512MB. You can't add just a single chip to a PowerMac G5. The faster G5s usually have 8 slots, so plenty of room to add more.
oh i'm thinking now to get 2gb extra, as i'm only going to have to chuck out the two 512 sticks when that gets tired... over-upgrade now, and save money later on
Keep in mind that memory prices are constantly going down. Get what you need now. Don't 'over-upgrade'. You'll regret it in the end when the prices hit the floor.
Memory question...

I have a G4 Digital Audio (133MB s/bus) with 3 RAM slots. In most mac specs it states I can have a maximum of 1.5GB of RAM (-obviously using x3 512MB pieces).

What I want to know is can I put a 1GB RAM stick in?
And if I do, will it read it all?
(or will it only read half of it = 512MB?)
the maximum it states is possibly becaue the maximum concieved memory stick at the time was 512mb. 32-bit processors can take up to 4096mb ram (possible).

i've heard of this happening with ibooks (going over the maximum memory and it working) but don't quote me on it
Various Macs can support larger memory chips than Apple admits, but AFAIK, no G4 towers will support 1 GB chips. The systems that support 1 GB are those that support DDR chips, also no G4 towers have a memory controller that supports 1GB chips even with DDR support. So, 512MB in each slot, 1.5 GB maximum.
I would challenge anyone to say that their G4 tower is using 1 GB chips.. :) I could be wrong...