microsoft office for mac

After you answer sgould's good questions -
When the install "fails", do you get an error message?
What is that error message?
It's been my experience that MS's DVD's are quite 'flaky' on a Mac's optical drives. Either keep trying, or use an external drive.
You still have not answered the question about the version of Office and the version of MacOS X/OS X. I am left to believe that you are either trying to install Office 2011 on a PPC-based Mac or you are trying to install Office 2004 or Office 2008 on an Intel-based Mac. There is a workaround for one of these situations. In the other two situations, you must acquire a compatible version of Office, make do with an alternative, or forget the whole thing.
You still have not answered the question about the version of Office and the version of MacOS X/OS X. I am left to believe that you are either trying to install Office 2011 on a PPC-based Mac or you are trying to install Office 2004 or Office 2008 on an Intel-based Mac. There is a workaround for one of these situations. In the other two situations, you must acquire a compatible version of Office, make do with an alternative, or forget the whole thing.

Im using Mac Os X 10.4.11 on a G4 laptop and cant find a matching ms program. but perhaps I am not really giving u all the info u need since Im not really that good in IT.

You likely won't find a version of Microsoft Office to purchase (unless it's a used Office 2008 DVD, which could give you registration issues), as you will need either Office for Mac 2004, or Office for Mac 2008. The more recent Office for Mac 2011 _won't_ work.

Unless you are _required_ to have real MS Office software - to support a business that requires that you use MS software, then you should be able to use one of the office-compatible packages, such as LibreOffice, or NeoOffice.
Here's a link to the correct download of Libreoffice for a G4, running Tiger.
(LibreOffice is free! :D )
I am of two minds about On the one hand, I received a highly-formatted document from a colleague that choked Office 2004 and Office 2008. However, NeoOffice was able to handle it. This was one occasion that NeoOffice saved my bacon. [NeoOffice's executable is Java-based rather than a binary. Otherwise, it is indistinguishable from LibreOffice or]

That is the upside of and its siblings. The downside is that Office documents opened in OO.o tend to have subtle formatting issues that can be visually quite pronounced. Office ocuments opened in Pages tend to look better.

In any event, I strongly recommend that Office-format documents created using non-Microsoft software be polished in Office before final submission.
Im using Mac Os X 10.4.11 on a G4 laptop and cant find a matching ms program. but perhaps I am not really giving u all the info u need since Im not really that good in IT.


thank you very big Gibelt, your advice on looking at other operating system like Libreoffice worked. Now how will I get google earth working on Mac OS X 10.4.11 version?
You just need a version of Google Earth that is still supported on Tiger, and you can find it on this page:

click on the link for "Google Earth (free version) direct installer links", and scroll down to version 5.2 for Mac, click to download the disk image.
That version of Google Earth is the last that will run on 10.4.11, and PPC processor.