The Doctor
BUT ... lol
From the iMac Min DVI to DVI blah blah to the TV's HDMI ... I loose ALL audio, I mean im like alredi 1/2 half way there ... remba I wnt have my cables and adapters for video for at least another week I shldnt think.
and like the other dude said a bit earlier abt his set up ... his got a RCA cable and HDMI or DVI w/e.
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The Doctor
From the iMac Min DVI to DVI blah blah to the TV's HDMI ... I loose ALL audio, I mean im like alredi 1/2 half way there ... remba I wnt have my cables and adapters for video for at least another week I shldnt think.
and like the other dude said a bit earlier abt his set up ... his got a RCA cable and HDMI or DVI w/e.
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The Doctor