Mod_security error


I am using os x 10.3 server and the pre-installed apache. I am trying to install mod_security, when I invoke the command:
sudo apxs -cia apache1/mod_security.c

I get the following error:
apxs:Break:Command failed with rc=16777215

Has anyone else gotten the error? I try to run the command in the sbin directory where apxs is located along with the mod_security.c file I moved there.
I am using 10.4.5 desktop (non-server) and trying to install mod_security as well. In terminal I cd to the installation folder and type the same command and get the same error message.

I've googled the error message, and while many people have the same problem (different apache modules, same error), I haven't seen any solution.
Hi, I was able to install mod_security without any problem. The fix is to install xtools, once I did that everything installed fine. You can download it from