Modem connection to airport extreme


For the last 3 years I have used a Speed Touch 330 USB Broadband modem supplied by my provider Pipex

Initially only one computer was served - Mac Mini

Since then the following computers have now arrived

2 Powerbooks

1 Ibook

1 Imac

There is now a requirement for wireless connection to the internet

I have acquired an Airport Extreme Wireless Base Station

This has a single WAN port for modem connection

Can the above modem be successfully be connected by some means
Turn off you modem for 5 minutes. Then turn on the modem and this will tell your ISP modem to look for a new MAC address that is directly connected to the modem. Turning off the modem for 5 minutes cause the server in your ISP to reset the line and look for a new MAC address. One has to do this every time you change out the device that is directly connected to that modem.
I don't think that is the issue, rather that his modem outputs over usb and his airport takes an ethernet input.