Monitor setting question


Hi all

Got a mitsbishi diamond pro 920 CRT monitor and i mainly do screen based design/image based work and some print based work.

I wanted to know what temperture i should have it set on. I know that the rule of thumb says approx 5000°kelvin to kind of replicate paper white - but it looks far too yellow/warm.

for my main screen based work im not sure whether it should be 6300 or 9300°k.

anyone with any "power" monitor setting tips
5000 is about right for print work -- yes, it looks yellow and warm/dingy on the screen, but paper is yellow and warm/dingy (comparatively speaking to pure white). You'd be amazed at the accurate color reproduction if your monitor is properly calibrated and set at about 5000 for print work.

For screen-based work, that's totally unsuitable. I choose 6300 or greater, switching between Windows and Mac default gamma settings to see how they compare to each other and finding a suitable medium.

It just all depends on whether you're doing print or screen work -- choosing one temperature for both is unrealistic if you want accurate color reproduction. You'll just have to flop between two settings depending on what you're designing for.

but im not looking for an all in one answer, just a power solution for screen based work.