Mozilla 1.0 released


mac shaman
click here to get it!:D

standard disclaimer - be aware that using mozilla aids in the development of netscape which benifits and supports aol. if you are ok with that, then go ahead and download it and enjoy it.

i will not have the free discussion of ideas and opinions stopped by t h's immature attempts to control others. I may not agree with mozilla from a poitical point of view, but that doesn't mean everybody else has to share my opinion. Grow up t h!!
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
i will not have the free discussion of ideas and opinions stopped by t h's immature attempts to control others. I may not agree with mozilla from a poitical point of view, but that doesn't mean everybody else has to share my opinion. Grow up t h!!
I think I missed something... Darn work getting in the way of my surfing! :p :)
yea nkuvu - you really missed a good one. some new member posted a thread with this title and then deleted it and started over afte chemistry geek and i got into disussing why i feel the way i do about mozilla and aol. good points were being made on both sides i thought. no hotilities involved - never would be between CG and myself i don't think - at least not from my side.

so i added my disclaimer to t h's second post and did a little lecturing about his being a control freak and censoring other people's contributions. apparently he either doesn't get what this site is about or has some real issues with people who don't see the world like he does. really sad, actually. so then he deleted that thread. go figure some people:rolleyes:
Originally posted by nkuvu

I think I missed something... Darn work getting in the way of my surfing! :p :)

Boy howdy, between simX's near thrashing at the hands of members, the big censorship brouhaha and this, who needs TV? :p :D
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
good points were being made on both sides i thought. no hotilities involved - never would be between CG and myself i don't think - at least not from my side.

Ditto Ed! :)

But getting back to Mozilla....Man is it Saaaaaweeeeet! Smooth, very smooth. I'm impressed with this build, completely surpassed my expectations. Even includes an IRC client.
well CG, i have never questioned mozilla on the basis of features or performance. it has never been my issue. and despite ourlittle censorship problem, i think we can agree that we both hold different political views on the issue of using it or not. as always, that is fine and dandy with me. and if people want to just discuss the features and awesome abilities of the new update, i will glady shut up, having said my basic message already. or if there are any or questions about my stance, i will either answer them or refer to that historical thread where i already answered most of them:D
That was quite the historic thread. :D

I haven't been on the computer so far today so I'm just downloading it now.
he he, i was wondering when you would show up googolplex. just so you know, you were mentioned in the now deleted thread. CG asked me what it was i had against aol and i deferred to you and the gang to tell me what i should do - should i answer him, point him to the other thread or just move on and let it go unanswered?:p

i was waiting on a reply before i touched that subject:D
ok, CG and anybody else who is interested in why i add the standard disclaimer to all threads advertising mozilla that have a link attached

click here to see the historic thread in which i state my position in more detail. There are other threads that have a few more parts to the puzzle, but this was the main one.

warning - anyone who can't stand disagreement among friends had best not read this. There are definitly opposing points of view in it:eek: not to mention getting close to getting carried away a few times:D

Holy cats! I just found myself a new default browser. Mozilla 1.0! I hadn't tried it in a while, because of the nastiness of the UI. But they seem to have fixed that (probably has a lot to do with anti-aliasing (thank you very much, Silk!)). Sweet! Bye bye to Internet Exploder!
Holy cats! I just found myself a new default browser. Mozilla 1.0! I hadn't tried it in a while, because of the nastiness of the UI. But they seem to have fixed that. Sweet! Bye bye to Internet Exploder!


We have another convert!

Go Mozilla!

well, i admit if it got Homer to give up ie, then it is a step in the right direction. sometimes i think browser use is like a 12 step program.

1st step - give up defaulting ie
2nd step - give up defaultin netscape/mozilla
3rd step - continue working the first 2 steps until you are at peace with them.
4th step - learn to use the prefs in alternative browsers so they work right.
5th step - learn to communicate your needs and wants to alternative browser developers rather than lapsing and having to repeat previous steps.
6th step - make a promise to yourself to pay for one of the alternative browsers as soon as they are really completely functional. real devotion is actually going ahead and paying now to help support the struggling developers.
7th step - make a complete moral inventory of all the reasons you stuck with ie and netscape despite their lack of real concern about mac users and/or their associations with thug corporations.
8th step - admit to yourself and others that there are more important things than the 2 seconds saved or lost because of page load time. This one will be particularly hard when revealing it to those who have not reached this step.
9th step - hey, if you got this far, you're probably not going back except for when the bank makes you. give yourself a chip and throw a party in a chat room somewhere. relax, feel good about yourself for a few minutes. you've earned it.
10th step - make regular visits to versiontracker and macupdate to be sure you are always on the cutting edge of alternative browser development. learn to get OW sneakypeeks. this one will be hard, because those new versions of the evil 2 will tempt you to come back. Just update them, don't give in to defaulting them.
11th step - begin to alternate browsers. realize that you no longer are stuck with only having one browser at a time. you can have OW, icab, opera and any other up at the same time and use each for the sites they work best with. this is a really fun step.
12th step - politely share your new found wisdom with others. no need to preach or make moral judgements of those who are stil in denial. just show them and talk gently with them. remember - you are only responsible for yourself. others must make their own choices.

LOL, Ed! That was great.

First off, I would use Omniweb as my main browser if it were faster (and I really hate the way it renders pages--it would be better if it displayed everything at once instead of throwing items in piecemeal). I really respect that company, at least what I've read of their mission statement etc.

Secondly, I intend on giving Opera a shot when it comes to final release. Opera is my favorite browser on Windows and Linux, so I'm hoping that it works as well on Mac as it does on those platforms.

Third, iCab. Hmm, I tried iCab a while ago, but it seemed to suffer from a paucity of features. It could be that I'm mistaken on that; I hope so.

Fourth: Chimera/Navigator. I await the development of this one with much anticipation.

Finally, I was only using IE in the interim because Chimera 0.2.8 is so unstable. I've almost completely dropped IE from my Windows usage (except for things like QT plugins--nothing else seems to handle that well). I'm considering dumping IE from Windows XP when that option is made available. I don't know; it might be better to just leave it there. Certainly when Omniweb and Opera come along I'll try to dump them (and fear not, your evangelism against Mozilla does not go unheeded--when I find good alternatives I'll probably use them, as I do in Windoze and linux).

I think this qualifies as my longest post ever to Yay for me! :p
hey homer - not bad for a guy who has just begun to work step 1:D

(this is one of my shortest posts:p )
Why thank you, Ed. What a kind compliment *homer bats eyelids*.

Will you be my sponsor? ;) :D
Just another FYI...

OmniWeb has an option to only display pages when they are finished loading. So that particular problem is only a preference away...
Interesting. Thanks for the tip, nkuvu. OW just became more usable! That's your cue, Ed! ;) :p
sure homer, i would gladly be your sponser. nkuvu has already got you working on part of the fourth step - learning to use the prefs. i would let nkuvu be your sponser as he is very good at this kind of thing but he will eventually lead you down the path of staring at sheets of text and make you believe that pictures are for sissies.:p

certainly one of the best ways to accomplish steps 1-3 is start playing with the prefs in all the alternate browsers. it took me almost a week of occasional tinkering to get icab to work the way i really like it to. But if you check out icabs prefs, they are overwhelming. you seem to be able to change everything but the name of the app from in there. I would go thru and click something on or off and then surf and see what happened. same with OW only there's not so many options.

for instance, unchecking css2 really helps icab since it doesn't handle it well anyway. or at least in the last version. the prefs seem to have changed some in this release and so i probably need to play with some of them again.