mpeg problems


I'm trying to play mpeg files and they only seem to play a partial section of the full clip. For example, one is several MB large, but only plays for a few seconds. When the clip finishes and I pull the ball thingy on the quicktime player back I see whole new sections of the clip that weren't played. Sometimes there seem to be several sections that weren't played, which are only accessible if you keep doing this little trick. Once re-cued, the player will play the next section but this is very annoying. How do you see the whole clip?
It can also be that the MPEG file was originally separate parts and was not joined properly. I've had problems like that over the years on several OSes. The only solution I found was to open them in some form of video editor (iMovie might work, I dunno) and if it can see the whole movie (by using the file size and bitrate rather than any encoded "play length" tag) use it to save out as a new file.