MSN messenger help


Green & Growing
Gosh, yet another request for help! Sorry :eek:

I have 3 users on my mac. On 2 of them i have downloaded msn for mac. On one user all is well. On my account everytime i restart the machine it diasaperars? i have to re-install from the dmg. Any idea's? Should i be installing it twice? ie on seperate users? Also is it normal for the msn file to be present on the desktop as a drive?

The MSN on the Desktop is an .img - sounds like you only installed on one user.

Open that and drag the MSN app to your applications folder, or if it's a package installer, just intall it.

If it's already installed, you can trash the .img file.
Nope. Will not open it now, just goes into a NO ENTRY SIGN AND EJECT ? Will not open on any user? How do i find it? i have downloaded the file and ran it again, but just does the samething?
Well bassically when i installed msn messenger on here i had the same problem with the dmg file and installing it but probly what i would do once you download it drag msn messenger to your app folder then eject the drive on your desktop. And it should work all good, but when you first run msn just run it from your app folder so that it wont stuff up if you run it from the disc image on the desktop.
There are a number of options if the msn client doesn't work for you. I favor adium (, while others like fire ( Both are free and multiprotocol, so they do msn, aim, icq, jabber, yahoo messenger etc all at once.

I use adium cos it lets me have a very small and unobtrusive contact list and the contact list and message window are easily skin-able. (see pic of my contact list.)

There is also a client called proteus which some people like but i don't think its free.


  • Picture 1.pdf
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Thanks for the links Ora.

MSN Messenger on macintosh sucks.
I really do hate Microsoft for how they've ripped off Macintosh Users. Apple gave Windows users Quicktime and iTunes, as Macintosh users got it. We get MSN with less than half of what Windows Users get. Ridiculous.
agreed - but still remember that microsoft also gave us virual pc aswell as office 2004 which i rekon is better on mac platform but performance wise isnt good. Although all my friends own pc's and they like myself all used msn 6.2 with all the madness things but when i changed to mac i got stuck with compared to pc msn messenger - bassically nearly the same as messenger 5.0 but with better emoticons etc. I dont really use all the other programs like aduim or whatever it is cause i wanna stay compatible with my friends msn's all the time even though i know that other programs are but still yanno.
What about AMSN, the UNIX-Windows-MacOS multistandard messenger ?
I have now tried MSN and Amsn and i cannot get either of them to run from the applications folder, they just want to sit on the desktop as ejectable volumes? is this correct? or should they run from applications? I hate having to have them ont he desktop as i have to re-install from the dmg file if i restart etc etc.

PS. Chevy amsn is neat!
Will -- are you sure you're not just copying the .DMG or .IMG file into the applications folder? You say that when you launch it, an ejectable volume appears on the desktop. That leads me to believe that you're just copying the MSN DMG file into the applications folder.

If this is the case, then do this: Double-click the file just as you have, but then, inside the ejectable volume on the desktop should be the actual MSN application. Copy that file to the applications folder and see if that helps.