my ibook battery


i have a duel usb G3 12" ibook and 1 battery.

i am going to the lemans 24hr race on 11th june and am taking my ibook and new camera. i will keep my ibook and iphoto loaded but keep the ibook in sleep mode for the 24hr race, only making it wake up to download the pictures (it only has a 16mb memory card until i buy a new card).

aparently the camera should take 25 pictures on a 16mb card so i want to know will my battery hold out for the race? or should i buy another battery (do any of you have extra batteries spare :) )

any help is much apretiated :)
The battery should last it. If you want to be sure, take a test, take approxiamtely as many pics as you could take in that period of time, and treat the ibook (sleep mode, and upload pics) like you'd plan it there.
Which type of memory does you camera use? If you can buy more memory for the camera, you would not have to bring the iBook with you = you could spend more energy on taking photos, and not worrying for your computer safety. A 64 or 128 MB memory for your camera would probably be worth investing. (Could be 30-60 $ for that size, depending on memory type)
i dont have the camera yet but its on its way :)

im going to be buying memory for the camera next month because lemans has cost a little more then i expected lol :)

how much spare battery do you think ill have at the end? will it easilly manage the race? can i do qualify as well?

oh and an idea :) is it possible to leave it in sleep mode and wake up on connecting a usb device? and is there an option to automaticly download the new pictures and play a sound when its done? that way i can leave my ibook in my back pack in sleep mode with the monitor turned off and just connect the camera when i need to
If you had an iPod, you could buy a Media manager and transfer your photos to that, then drop them to your desktop.
Follow Gia's advice and give it a test run, though if you can spring for a larger memory card, you'll have far less hassles. And you can also adjust your camera settings and try and find a fair balance between quality of photos and the size (smaller size = more photos on the card).
You'll have to wake the iBook when doing transfers. Make sure you adjust the power setting to maximum and don't run other apps, lower screen brightness, etc, and that'll help some.
It won't take long to do each transfer, if you're using a new camera, so that shouldn't be a problem. Make sure you're comfortable with it and with transferring files and deleting them from your card.
Also, make sure your camera battery will last long enough if you don't have a spare for that.
iBook spare battery costs 120 $ plus tax. (14" batttert may cost 150 $).
Keeping the screen lightness as dark as you can helps to consume less.

I had a 128 MB memory for my camera. That could hold one week's worth of photos - up to 160 high quality. I got after a 256 MB more, and now 16 + 128 + 256 I can go a loong time without having to upload them, in case of travel etc.
No, changing the resolution won't help. The best thing to do is just sleep it WHENEVER you aren't using it (sleep, not shut down, it'll take more to start up and to leave it in sleep) and turn the screen brightness ALL the way down to one tick above black. You should be able to get about four-five hours of use out of it this way. I've left my iBook in sleep for several days once, and it was only to about 90%.

In other words, you'll be fine :)
great thanks :)

ive bought some memory from ebay (128mb pc2100 - i guess its not compatible) for £5.80 inc postage. am i right in that its not compatible with my g3 700? if not then ill resell it for profit :p