My new guitar!


My dad just bought me a new Fender Straticaster. My first guitar, I've always wanted to learn how to play and now he's gonna get me lessons and all that jazz ... but in the meantime, does anyone know of any cool website for guitarists? Anywhere to find songs or just cool things pertaining to guitars?

Thanx in advance.
Lucky you....getting a Strat as your first guitar :)
When I am looking for a the tab or notation for a song i just search google using the title of the song + tab, it usually works.
I'll look out for you on MTV :)
No doubt, you'll look all over the internet, and find all sorts of song charts with chord names... but HERE is how you play them. I LOVE this site. Give the name of the chord, and it shows you how to play it....
Lucky you. I found my dad's old acoustic guitar less than two years ago. and have since taught myself to play. I kick ass too. I can play twinkle twinkle little star and the NBC jingle. Nah, I'm just kiddin'. I'm a lot better than that. Da_iMac_Daddy, here something you can do to boost your confidence. Learn to play that main guitar part in the Mission Impossible theme by Limp Bizkit. I really easy to do and it sounds really good.;)
HAHA the nbc thing was the first thing I ever did on a guitar! haha .... well hopefully I'll get lessons soon ... anyone know of good online lessons? I've been told I should learn my chords. I don't even know what that means! ;)
that avatar looks strangely familiar... looks like something I used to have on my Quadra or Performa but can't remember what... What is it!?!?!

I need to sell my guitar actually. Well one of them, it's an ESP KH-502. I got it not realizing the intricacies of the Floyd Rose Tremolo, and the fact that I can't really tune it down past standard without causing a scene really annoys me so I'm gonna sell it. Bleh. :-( I liked it too :-(
Darkside of the Mac - a free screensaver program that was compatible with most AfterDark modules.... Not that it has anything to do with the guitar...
yeah, but maybe it looks familiar to him because of Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon-album.

nope it was dark side of the mac! great program, hehe. Tho dark side of the moon is pretty cool too - i still have yet to see it played with the wizard of oz
IGNTS (I've Got Nothing To Say).....

Oh boy, the topic switchers... I guess some forum dude came out with the "switcher" name and idea after getting "inspired" by you guys... LOL...
hey who's switching the topic? Anyone see any good movies lately?

just kidding...

how goes the strat learning? I decided towards the end of my freshman year of college that I wanted to learn how to play guitar... i was going to teach myself. yeah that worked well. I mean it worked for a while, but then i decided to get lessons because teaching yourself how to play tabs isn't really playing guitar. Anywho, it's a fun time
Fender for your first guitar eh! That's pretty sweet dude! Learn to play it will and it will reward you forever. :)

I play electric bass, (and am learning Indian sitar) myself.
yeah im waiting for the guy to call back so i can start lessons but for now im trying to learn some chords and stuff. I can play the intro to rivers of babylon ;)