Need a bit of an assistance


Hi I'm pretty new here and I urgently need to get it sorted if possible. Well, rather its more of my friend's MacBook white. 1.83 GHz. As I start the machine, I get nothing but white screen and It won't go past that. I tried everything on the Apple Support site. Cept the fact the DVD installer. What could be the problem? Could it be a hardware issue? I can't even go to safe mode, or force OS start.

Also, would it be possible for me to use any DVD Installer (incase it is a problem that requires software installation.) By this I mean, my cousin seem to lose hers and probably could use my original Mac OS DVD Installer.

Any help would be appreciated.
Only use the Installation DVD that came with the mac and not any other DVD because it may not contain the drivers necessary for installation. If its stuck on plain white screen, do u get the Apple symbol?how bout the spinning gear?Try the following.

1. Reset pram
2. Boot from the Mac os X install disc and try repair permission and repair disc
3. If all else fails, erase and install. Don't jump to Hardware unless software has been taken out of the picture
I tried resetting the NVRAM & PRAM. As I thought it could be that problem. No dice though. Could it be a video card issue too? And no, as I switched on the Mac, I could hear the drive loading up, and the chime. Then its just stuck as it is. No apple logo spinning etc. just a white blank screen :D I have my Mac OEM dvd for MB466 - basic aluminium one, but my cousin, (I think hers is Model MB881 or MB061) the white one. So it won't work?

What do you think the problem could be though?
yep it won't work. The Mac installation dvd are driver-specific. Meaning it will only work on the machine it came it. Call your cousin or friend, ask her to call apple to send her a disc for her machine. Do an apple hardware test. To identify w/c part of hardware is affected. If it flickers, it is most likely a video card or logic board. It really ranges. If its a RAM then you'll hear a beep on POST(power on self test)
LOL indeed. always prepare for the worst mate :) keep me posted on this problem of yours. I will be more than happy to assist
think its the Macs way of telling her to get the new MBP..... if its still under warranty, then I think shes on the safe zone.. otherwise it's gonna be breaking bank time.....
well its not too bad either because all the macbook and MBP line up, prices have gone done. It totally dropped.
new machine means new warranty + new system w/c is really fast + snow leopard. this is just my 2cents.
unfortunately for me, I forked out for the MB466 then days later, the new MBP came out. cost cheaper too :( oh well so far my mac is being good.I aint complaining much