Networking mac (OX 10.3.9) w/ PC (Windows ME)


I'm tring to share files between my Mac (G4, OS 10.3.9) and my wife's Dell laptop running Wilndows Millenium. We just need to get some files off so we can send the Dell in for repair. I am NOT terriblly versed in Windows machines.

The Mac sees the laptop, but when I go to connect, I get ths prompt: "The alias, "LAPTOP" could not be opened because the original item could not be found." For a while, it was asking for a password, but it still gave me the same prompt. Now, it's not even asking for a password (I did change the name of the PC to see if that made a difference --- no luck).

I will, admittiedly, need some fairly detailed instructions if anyone can help.
Example: If I'm supposed to turn off a firewall, I don't know how to do it.

I would probably just use a firewire cord and boot your mac into target disk mode (hold down "T" when starting your mac) this kind of makes it like an external hard drive. Then you just move it over.
- just dont forget to Eject or "remove hardware safely" when finished for extra caution.

Try using the IP address that you have configured on the laptop in the "Connect to.." section. This will work most of the time. Once you input that, then you should be able to access the Windows share on the Dell laptop.

My wife's computer is an older Dell which does not have firewire. Would USB work?

Nixgeek, I'll try that and see how it works. When I put in the IP address, does that need the "http://" to be typed in before the numbers? I wasn't kidding when I said I'd probably need some detailed insntructions!

Thanks to both of you for your help.

Your best bet to make things nice and easy for yourself is to forget networking, and take a simpler less complex option.

Go out and buy a USB flash drive, which are very cheap nowadays. All you'll need to do with this is plug it into your wife's laptop, copy what you need over, take it out, then put it into your Mac and copy it over. Much simpler.

Of course if you have a large amount of files to copy that are huge in size....well networking is what you'll need.

As for your http question, no you won't need this before the IP address. This is only for the Internet. I think you may need to put smb:// before the IP address, but I'm not sure. Worth a try anyway.

For someone who knows little about Windows I still say go for the USB flash drive option, nice and simple.

Best of luck.

I like the simplicity and elegance of your suggestion. I think it's a winner.


if you just wanna share files, the only thing you have to do is, share a folder or the whole drive in the dell computer (you do this in the windows explorer, right click on the folder you want to share, and click in shar, then put a password if you like), the in you mac, press command+k, and in the message box, put, smb:\\ip-dell-computer, then a message box will appear, and you must introduce the name and password of the dell pc.... and thats it, you have a new drive in your desktop wich is the folder yo have shared in the dell laptop