Never buy Apple products again!

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Originally posted by Annihilatus
Will Apple refund the difference? No.
Will the store refund me for the whole machine? No. They'll refund me for the new price minus a restocking fee?
Will my model actually allow me to use Quartz Extreme to its fullest extent? No, the video card isn't good enough.

Apparently, Apple does not have price protection with its affiliates. Even if I was to buy the Apple on Nov 5th and the price changed on Nov 6th, I'd be charged the Nov 5th price.

Hey I think this guy has a valid point... why does everybody think Apple can do no wrong? Apple's a business, not a frickin charity, and it should support it's customer base by giving things like price protection on it's products...

A long time ago I had to buy a 9600 for my ProTools system. I opted for a refurbished unit that was being sold from the Apple Store. If anybody remembers when the Apple Store first opened up, it was a bloomin' nightmare. Anway, I got the computer (and it wasn't even a real bargain for a re-furby) and inside they had just tossed in all the components--the keyboard, cables, etc. The biggest crock was they threw in a USED mouse!!! I couldn't believe it! They sent me this crappy, dirty, used mouse... well I was pissed. I wrote to MacIntouch and they posted my frustation along with a bunch of other unsatisfied customers. Two days later I get a call from some guy from Apple and he tells me they're going to FedEx me a new mouse--and they were very, very sorry.

Let me just say that it never hurts to tell a company how you feel. Bashing somebody becuase they feel they got ripped is just rooood... I think Apple should have a price protection plan, becuase it does suck when you invest in a machine only to find out if you had waited two or three days later you could have gotten a better machine. Not everyone geeks out in this forum, dig?
On a side note, I'll tell you what--if I went into an Apple store and this sort of thing happened, you can bet my lawyer would be getting a phone call...
and on a side side side note... this is one of the reasons I wanted to switch to PC--when new hardware comes out, you don't have to replace the whole machine...
Well, I bought my Mac on November 1st, and since then it's only been a nightmare.

I liked the system itself, but a few of the components didn't work all too well. For instance, during my initial install of the system software, the installation process got stuck at the second CD. I thought that the CD-ROM was a bit loud too but I tried again and a second time, the CD got stuck at the second process. I tried again and now it got stuck at the third CD.

I kept wondering if the CD-ROM was supposed to be as loud as it was.

Since November 1st when I bought the machine, I used it regularly and was baffled at how easily the unit got scratched up. I started wondering what kind of sh*t plastic Apple uses to make the machines, but I didn't care too much since the machine worked well.

Yesterday, I decided that I wanted to reinstall Mac OS X in French simply because I'm a French Teacher. I know you can usually do this directly in the OS without reinstalling, but the folders in Mail were still in English with French supplements and I found it annoying. Besides, uninstalling was not much for me to do. I put in the Restore CD and it didn't read. I tried taking it out and putting it back in, still can't read. I tried another CD, it spins a bit and then stops. I even tried the Apple Hardware Test CD and nothing happened.

Basically, in one week, not only has Apple pissed me off by lowering the prices on the machine and refused to refund me the difference (in a week mind you, not 6 months), but has also sold me a unit with a faulty CD-ROM that worked badly at first and then stopped working completely.

This is my first experience with Apple, and though I like Mac OS X very much, I've learned that no matter what anyone here say about the reliability of the hardware, it's not true. I will get the same garbage hardware buying an Apple that I would buying a Dell. Therefore there is no reason to pay a premium because it's an Apple.

As pissed as I was about the price change, I got over it by using Mac OS X and doing my schoolwork. As soon as this CD-ROM thing happened, I learned conclusively that no manufacturer is a Godsend, especially not Apple.

OK, Andre, I totally agree with you on this one about "lemons". It happens to the best, not only Apple. And I am sorry you have to had such bad luck with a Mac. My iBook came with broken keys last year. And I was really cheesed.

But that happened to me on my Nokia phone purchase, and it happened to my Handspring Platinum when I first bought it. The screen was faulty.

Just send the iBook in for a check up and they will replace the CD-Rom drive for you if there is something wrong with it.

Sorry to hear about the bad experiences you have with a Mac.
I think though that if a product comes broken out of the box, it should be replaced with a new product, not repaired.

You didn't buy a refurbished Mac, you bought a new one. Why on earth would you want one that has been disassembled, repaired, and put back together? Its certainly not new anymore. This happened to my PowerBook and it came back in worse condition that when I sent it in. They eventually replaced it. Apple really should look into changing that policy of not replacing defective hardware out of the box but repairing it.

Anyway, if your Combo Drive is busted, call up Apple and bitch. Since it is less than a week old, bitch until you get what you want, a replaced unit. They'll replace it with the newest version iBook to.

You will get it, you just have to be persistent. Just keep asking to be bumped up if the person you're talking to wont help you. Trust me, if it came broken out of the box, Apple will eventually give in.
anni - you don't seem to take your warning very seriously. once more your post has been edited for multiple infractions of site rules. I hope you find another site to get help for all the problems you create for yourself.


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