New Adium 0.80


New version of Adium out. - Some of the features are pretty good ecspecially the new file transfer that really needed some work done. However the new preference pane(s) are pretty confusing after upgrading (well for me). Also some of the features like the event notification windows that where rounded squares aren't included now to my knowledge, its rather strange..

What does everyone think of it ? :rolleyes:
Hmm its running smoothly for me so far, the event notifications now will only work with growl.. Another startup item to my list..
I really like the 08. I've been compiling the nightly builds for a while now to access to the 0.8 features, especially meta contacts. For those who haven't used it, it means you can combine people's identities from different networks into a single contact. It also features a rather nifty built in encryption system called otr (off the record, ) while allows for deniable conversations.

No crashes with the 0.8 final for my either.
Can some one explain what growl is? Moreover, I agree, the preference pane is some what confusing. I had a friend try to send me a file from ichat, I could not get it to download.
er... I'd like it so that it allows me to block people, and every time a contact I deleted or moved through Adium signed on, it wouldnt ask me if I'd like to apply the change to the server, over and over and over again.
Well my understanding of Growl ( its like a program that displays event notifications on your screen like graphically with some text. Theres plugins for a applications and these applications tell Growl (or vise visor) to display an notification. I could be right or wrong ???....
well, like it has been said, Growl is a bezel alert display. programers can adopt growl in to their app and it will work seamlessly (like Aduim) or mini apps or scripts can be written to notify growl (like with growltunes which displays info on the current song).

all the apps are doing is sending growl the info. once growl processes it, it can be displayed in the default form, or you can choose a specific look for different apps (like i have a music video look set up for growl tunes)

i find growl a very useful app

a list of current apps can be viewed at
ive been using adium since 1.6 days and earlier. .8 is the best release ever. i actually find the preferences much more user intuitive as they were quite messy before. i've had no crashes, and no problems. the new event notification system works flawlessly with growl (which comes preloaded). its very customizable and very cool. if you're having any problems i recommend posting on the adium forums. btw file transfer has never failed me.
adambyte said:
Yeah. Me too. Even in version .7, same problem. Can send, but can't receive files. So I made a post about it in the Adium forums....

Also, this might be helpful...

While there are issues, there are ways gaim can get around it. Unfortunately, the method, which I have referred to as 'splat', since there hasn't been any other developers using it, is still very experimental and I don't really have the design finalized and tested... but I might get back to it.

It was originally a concept I wanted to implement in a small-scale proof-of-concept P2P system that would act as a sandbox for various techniques I wanted to test: NAT bypassing via splat, low-bandwidth full search of large 80k+ node networks, etc. The design spec and bandwidth estimates show that 56k users and DSL/Cable users with 128Kb/sec upstream could easily form a network of 80k nodes that was 100% searchable, and capable of handling over 10k searches a second. Unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to test these concepts in a real-world situation. Maybe this would give me a chance to at least test splat in a real-world situation.
really like the new version too but i'm really missing the lack of the bezel notifications... growl 0.6 wont install on os 10.2.8,so does anyone know where I can get version 0.5, the last version to work with Jaguar. I've tried their website and version tracker, but can't find it. Oh, and does anyone know if itll work with adium, since its older than it
do you think 0.8 will make it so that when I move a buddy into a different category, they wont change back when they sign on, and then give me an error message when i try to move them again?
MBHockey - i new you'd post here :), i've seen your name a bunch of times over on the adium forums.

So now you can get the 0.9 beta from the svn repository, but no real changes from what i can see as yet.