New Itunes 10's looks Suck!


Well, I was really excited about it, but not anymore. Now the order of my music has been changed so now the're separated by artists, etc and that's a no no for me. Also, and by far the worst problem, is the overall gray feeling of itunes now. Almost no color anywhere, plus the "exit, minimize, and enlarge" buttons have left their traditional places and opted for being vertically placed :(. So, I doubt a new Itunes 10 skin has been released to look like its predecessor (which I would pay handsomely for) so soon but do you guys now where I could keep my eyes out for something like that? Or better yet, somehow reverse the update until the skin comes out? I know someone must hate the new look almost as much as me ^^.
In this case, probably not. You may be able to get away with deleting the package in /Applications, then removing the appropriate installation receipt from /Library/Receipts, then finding a download for the older 9.2.1 (I think) install package and installing it.

May be more trouble than it's worth, but that's only my opinion. Be aware that doing the above may cause problems and is not an "official" method of downgrading. There is no "official" method of downgrading.

I'm thinking the radical interface color changes are one reason why iTunes 10 doesn't show up in Software Update for me -- I was only able to install it by downloading the iTunes 10 installer package from Apple's website.
I will have to agree, Apple did to iTunes the same thing they did with iPhone 4 - IMHO they ruined the application. Album information on the right side of the cover art is ridiculous - it take so much space, and it looks horrible.

I don't know what is in their minds, but definitely they lost the touch in designing new products. I hope they learn from their mistakes, and will bring back the old iTunes look'n'feel. Or not, based on their responses to the issues of iPhone 4.
I'll try out what you said about deleting the installation receipts, etc, ElDiablo. The only trouble is finding an older itunes version which I already tried to with no success, but it must be up somewhere :-). But one tiny question, I have like 10 albums in itunes and will they still be there after downgrading? If anything, I'll post something if your method works.
LMeinhardt, I'm happy you agree with me. Apple has to know when to stop innovating looks after already hitting something original that people love.
Did iTunes 10 perform an "updating library" procedure when you first launched iTunes 10 after upgrading?

If so, the library may be incompatible with iTunes 9. If not, you should just be able to reinstall iTunes 9 and your library should remain intact.
Nope, it just installed, I had to agree with the usual license agreement, and that was all. Oh, and my software update did the installing. I'll post within an hour if your method works.
P.S. I found another problem with itunes 10; it plays regular audio files with no visual content as music videos. So while you hear the same music, you see the whole window turn black as if attempting to play visual content. Apple has a lot of bugs to go through ^^,.
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Nope, it just installed, I had to agree with the usual license agreement, and that was all.

I'm not talking about when it installed -- I'm talking about when you first launched iTunes 10 after it being installed.

On my 10.6.4 system, it did go through an "Updating iTunes Library" procedure. This probably means that my library can no longer be used with iTunes versions less than 10.
If you mean when I opened the app, nothing popped up about any updating, but if it was short I could've missed it :(.
I made my own album with my personalized order on a dummy account on a macbook, secure deleted the itunes app from Applications/, then went into Library/Receipts/ and deleted anything with itunes in its name. After that, I found a 9.2.1 disc image, installed and found an error which is in the picture.
I would ever be so grateful if you could find a way around this error.


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That's precisely what I was talking about -- iTunes 10 upgraded your library (and if your library was relatively small, the progress bar for the update could have been very short) and now it's only compatible with iTunes 10 or greater.

I don't know of any way around that other than just getting used to iTunes 10 (which, if your only gripe at this point is the lack of color in the interface, is a minor annoyance), or by following the procedure linked below...

Here is a step-by-step:

You're at the end of the process for Mac, where it says to "recreate your iTunes library." Here is a direct link to how Apple recommends doing this:

Be aware that you may lose some data (or, you may not -- just be aware that you may) like play counts, ratings, playlists, etc.
ElDiablo, PBear, I thank you greatly, for the step-by-step procedure you guys gave me (you don't get a whole lot of those these days) worked perfectly. Thankyou for resolving my relatively insignificant dilemma, I appreciate it.
Which type of music file are you referring to? I've been listening to MP3 the last two days without this blank/black screen you are mentioning.
They were .flac files, and it seems my itunes 10 treating them like music videos was a momentary glitch as I didn't encounter it later on. I think Apple just needs to smooth out the wrinkles on their newest toy :).
Go to this site"" complete directions and download to change the icons back to Itunes 9 style.
Go to this site"" complete directions and download to change the icons back to Itunes 9 style.

Tempted, the grey theme is less quickly understandable for me. I could revert to 9.x but after the faff to revert my iPhone to 3.2 from 4 (performance speed on 4 made it unusable) I am not sure i have the mental energy!
Go to this site"" complete directions and download to change the icons back to Itunes 9 style.

Thanks for the more elegant solution! I'll definitely test it out within a day or two when, like Ora said, I'll have the "mental energy" after all the downgrade fuss that went by already :).
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Personally, I love how the new look is much more in the background. I also enjoy the new look on the pages about your iDevices. iPhone & iPad synching seems more natural now, so are software updates for those devices.