New mouse

I'll definitely get one to have around. It may even replace my main mouse, but we'll have to see. Because it's lefty/righty ambivalent, that also means it is ergonomically compromised. I prefer a slight angle or tilt for that reason.

Also, I wish they had somehow made the trackball ALSO a button, like my Intellimouse and many other mice with scroll wheels.

And, without testing, I'm not sure how the touch sensitivity will fight the accidental tap or resting of the fingers, which I always do on my current mouse.

And unfortunately, I really rely on a five-button system now:
regular click
right click
exposé (this app's windows)
exposé (all windows)
navigate Back in browser and Finder windows

I suppose I could give up one of the Exposé options (all windows probably), but only if the Apple mouse really kicks ass.

I LOVE the balance and feel of Apple's current single-button mouse with the big single click all built-in. Very nice. Unfortunately, I could never give up the extra speed and efficiency of the extra buttons, so I could never use it full time. Hopefully the Mighty Mouse has the same sophistication.
Oh man, you're right. I don't know how I missed that given that I looked for it specifically. I think I just read somewhere about "four buttons" and assumed the trackball was not one.

Thanks. Cool. Looks like I'm set.
crazy, crazy, crazy... But it looks good, heh.

Does this mean that Apple has entered a whole new phase where it actually listens to what its customers want?

All I can say is... about time!

First thing I did when I got my new G4 Quicksilver (way back then) was to get rid of the Apple Pro mouse and replace it with a Microsoft optical 2 button with scroll wheel mouse. And most people I know did the same. I always thought it was strange that Apple never provided an alternative. Again, about time.
Just received my confirmation email... should be despatched tomorrow.

I use a Microsoft Intellimouse (something like that) which is nice, but the scroll wheel is awful... can't wait for this.
Will the side buttons be programmable for doing back and forward in apps? I have one of those M$ mice, and on the left side it has 2 buttons that I use for backward and forward - so convenient, but sometimes the mouse is quirky, and clicks don't go through, so I have to click twice :(

What makes this new Apple mouse so "special"? Because it has the Apple logo on it? I mean, it doesn't show the buttons - whippee let's buy it!! Hmm, don't fall for Apple marketing people... ;)

If you're going to spend $50 on a mouse, you mine as well spend $30 more and get this, the mother of all mice. :cool:
its not apple marketing - as far as im aware there hasnt been any marketing of this new product by apple yet (bar the press release on its own site) theres nothing to fall for.

its apple design, its apple simplicity - it's the technology and useabilty that belies what is actually happening. sure the mouse you've linked to does a lot - but it doesnt have that apple 'zing' - of holding an apple product that looks pretty simple and basic - only to find it's feature packed, it's easy - it's technology made simple... it's taking a good idea (scroll wheel/multi buttons etc) but doing it in a totally new, innovative, and trailblazing way.
Just picked one's quite nice. First person to get one from the Palisades Center Apple Store in NY :)

Any questions i could answer for anybody?
kainjow said:
Here's a review already.

Whoops we posted at the same time.

I agree pretty much with that reviewer..except i don't think the lifting of the left finger to right click was that annoying. i also think it is not very natural to squeeze the mouse...i probably won't use that feature much.
Yes, you have to install software for it...comes on the CD they give you.

The scroll 'nub' is really cool. Low audio feedback, a really nice feel. Perhaps my favorite feature of this mouse.
Why did apple modify the mighty-mouse page in the "Now Hear This" box. It mentioned an internal speaker before and now it's changed to just something about audio feedback.
yes yes oh god yes FINALLY thank you apple...thank you steve and Ha to the guy at the apple store who said it would never happen and "We're happy with our one button" I gotta order one....the only thing that is missing is BlueTooth..
Hooooray! I think I will have to order one tonight. :-)

And this might finally silence those Mac-bashers who consider the single button mouse proof that Apple can't compete (rather than proof that they can design things simply and elegantly) - when Apple has quite possibly the coolest mouse ever released. I'd expect to see this as a BTO option on all Macs very soon, though I suspect they'll keep the one-buttons as standard issue as one button is much easier for new users, kids and those who aren't too confident with technology.
Good, this was one of my last irritations of Apple hardware. I understand the justification for the one-button mouse, but over the last couple of years it's become painfully obvious that even Apple doesn't believe that the UI is more "elegant" with only one button. It's seemed more like stubbornness than providing value for users.

The mouse does look pretty slick, it's good to see continued thoughtful design (there's at least a bit of innovation there). I'm not sure how I'd feel about a mouse with no tactile response to button presses - I think it'd drive me crazy. I'm not a fan of trackpad "tapping", and pressing buttons on my 3G iPod continually bugs me (I'd much prefer a upgrade).

The idea of the little speaker is interesting, but I wonder why Apple didn't simply allow the entire shell to click like the existing Apple Pro mouse, and then "detect" right or left mouse button by where pressure is being applied?

I'm at least *assuming* that mouse buttons 1 and 2 are done based on pressure sensitivity. Like I think most people, I tend to rest my fingers on both buttons as I use the mouse, and I worry a bit about a lot of "false clicks".

In any case, good to see Apple moving in the right direction, even if it's a bit late. I can only hope this will spread to the laptops - besides price this is the only (important) reservation I have about picking up a laptop (I really think a single-button trackpad would make me hate using the thing...and I refuse to carry an extra mouse with me wherever I go!)
OK a little clarification on a few points:

I'm not sure how I'd feel about a mouse with no tactile response to button presses ... The idea of the little speaker is interesting, but I wonder why Apple didn't simply allow the entire shell to click like the existing Apple Pro mouse, and then "detect" right or left mouse button by where pressure is being applied?

Apparently the mouse does have a tactile, mechanical button press similar to the Apple Pro Mouse - the entire shell of the mouse acting as one huge button. It uses the touch sensors to determine which button was pressed, just as you suggested.

though I suspect they'll keep the one-buttons as standard issue as one button is much easier ...

It looks like this mouse appears as a one-button mouse, and out of the box it is a one-button configuration (with scroll and squeeze set as default). You have to modify the setting to tell it to use the right-button as a right click. This means if Apple were to shpi these in that arrangement, then new users will be using it as if it were a single-button mouse from the start, and will only start right clicking once they've figured out how to go to the "Mouse" preference pane. This is a very good idea.

Works with Windows 2000 & XP!

This might be a really good thing ... it could help Apple capitalise a little more on the iPod "helo effect" if they can sell these successully to PC users.

I only wonder how well it will stack up for gaming - especially for FPS gamers. They are a very hard crowd to please. If it is comparable to my Logitech in UT2004, then I will have to pick one up. Only trying it out will tell, though.
Yeah, I just finally read the review =) The tactile clicking is a good thing.

The need to lift fingers to click left or right, however, REALLY worries me, though. I'm not sure if it's just a learned thing (totally against my instinct right now), but I suspect if it's very sensitive, that I'd be perpetually clicking the wrong side, and it would really bug me.

Looks like I'll have to take a trip to the Apple store once I get back in town and find out! Tho would be interesting to hear anyone else's experience on this...
WeeZer51402 said:
yes yes oh god yes FINALLY thank you apple...thank you steve

Good lord, dude. Steve Jobs didn't just grant you a reprieve on your life sentence plus buy you a new car... They put out an interesting mouse...With not much that you couldn't have bought from another vendor years and years ago.

It is, however, one less thing for the Windows zealots to jeer about, and signals (potentially) more forward movement for the platform.