new powerbook, wait or buy?


what do you guys think about the resently released powerbook?
It's very attractive, since I can get a great product for some bugs more than 3000$!!!!!
(DVD-RW; 1GB ram, G4 1Ghz, ati 9000 64MB)

So, when is the newer one going to be released and is it worth to wait?
This is a great TiBook.

I'm tempted. But I haven't got the money right now (maybe that's good?). Finally, there *IS* a PowerBook that has twice the speed of mine, a better screen, much better graphics card AND a SuperDrive. Now really, it IS tempting...
I don't think anything better than a GHz PowerBook G4 with SuperDrive is going to be released anytime soon. Maybe one with Bluetooth but I think that's about it for awhile.

A 200 MHz speed increase is quite impressive for Apple notebook standards. The Radeon 9000 and SuperDrive are just icing on the cake.

I just purchased a 800 MHz iBook. I'm way excited. I previously owned a PowerBook DVI but didn't find it very practical for what I was doing with it. I think the iBook will suite me much better. That and I still have $1000 left over from the sale of my PowerBook.

What to do, what to do?!?! I guess I could buy another one!

Anyway you look at it, both the iBooks and the PowerBooks starting at $999 and $2299 are a steal.
Don't wait. If you've got the money, buy it.

There aren't a whole lot of compelling capabilities left that a 1 GHz Superdrived Powerbook doesn't have.

And it's cheaper too. It's a #$$^(&*@#$ miracle!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAGH


Alright, I think I'm feeling better now
I think it's great that the prices of the new PB aren't as high as I thought they would be. If you can't afford this particular PB - you can always go to eBay and look for cheaper and older models.
Yikes! The retail value of my PB 800 just dropped by about $800 in one day!! Ah, to be an apple owner....

Every model looks like an awesome deal right now. Only $2299 for a Powerbook that's better than the yesterday's (literally!) high end model. Only $2799 for a 1 GHz with 512 MB RAM and a an ATI Mobility 9000 with 64MB DDR?? Awesome! And then only $200 more if you think you'd use a superdrive.

If only I had sold my Powerbook last week! I could have gotten so much more, and for less than what I could have sold mine for! Oh well. :)
This is what I have been waiting for over the last couple of months. I've got a G4 500Mhz (Mercury) TiBook and I love it, but it is pig slow for Java development and I would like something that's a bit snappier in general use.

I have made my order half and hour ago and I upped the memory to 1gb.

Can't wait to see it. Just hope the paint stays on this one!

So, what about delivery? Heard ppl having probs to get a Powerbook (older on) with the 60GB hd...
and what about the heat? I mean, the 800 was pretty hot... so, any new heatsink?
and finally: how does the ati perform?

I mean, eventhough some ppl said there won't come a new tibook that soon, I still would like to know, what would be the specs of that one? We are still in the rumors section!
Delivery according to site is 3-5 weeks. Will see.
Heat wise, well it has got to be better than my Mercury 500Mhz. Well known for its toastiness.

I'm really looking forward to putting my entire photo collection onto one DVD and running my integration server, java dev tools and all my office stuff without the beach-ball of death.

Hmm... I gotta win my hometown's author prize of ~10'000 USD now, because I DEFINITELY want to buy a SuperDrive TiBook. Sadly, there's no second place that would let me buy a maxxed out iBook 12". ;)
Maxed out iBook? Ha ha ha... Yeah, any Mac die hards would love to have their hands on a new PB. I would too... if I have the cash right now...
I've been using Macs for a long time. I've seen many Apple laptops (never bought one) and while adequate, I never considered any of them to be overly impressive or up to my needs (including recent TiBooks). This new TiBook has changed my mind. This is the first Apple laptop that could seriously contend with a desktop. It is a solid unit, at least on paper.

I have no particular need for a laptop, so I won't be getting one. Also, now that I've gone DP, I can't go back. There's just way too much you can do with a DP box. I have captured 45 minutes of DV footage, burned CDs, played MP3s and downloaded a 20 Meg file, all at the same time. I wonder if an SP could pull that off. Maybe it could, I don't know, never tried it.

Sorry, back on topic. Nonetheless, even though I don't need it, it looks very impressive. Nice video card too, usually the worst part of laptops. Almost makes me wish I needed one.
I am also wondering about the heat. I would be using my new mac all the time... so would I just burn up the powerbook?
Anyone with a new toy would want to comment on this or shall we wait for the official reviews to come out... cannot wait...
Let's take both! Anyone that finds reviews pls post it here and any lucky b**** that got that baby does it as well pls! ;-)))
Long time PC user took the Mac plunge after seeing the new PowerBooks:

Buyers name: XXXXXXXXXX
Web Order Number: XXXXXXXXXX
Apple Sales Order Number: XXXXXXXXXX
Apple Customer Number: XXXXXXXXXX

Dear Apple Customer,

Your order is being processed. The following products will be shipped.

Item # Product # Product Description Qty Price Ext
______ ____________ ______________________________ ____ ________ __________
000010 Z07C01L4S PBG4 15.2/1GHZ/1024/60/SD/AP/L 1 3,299.00 3,299.00

With the following configuration:

Processor 065-3935 1GHz G4 w/1MB L3
Memory 065-4035 1GB SDRAM - 2 DIMMs
Hard Drive 065-3932 60GB Hard Drive
Optical Drive 065-3937 Super Drive
Country Kit 065-3928 Country Kit/Airport
Keyboard/Mac OS Language 065-3929 Keyboard/Mac OS

Let's see if it better then the old P3 running OS X I was playing with to see if I could live with a MAC :rolleyes:
My GUESS is that the 1 GHz Ti will actually run cooler than my 500 MHz Ti. I've been using my Ti for 1.8 years, both on the lap on my way and as my primary desktop machine hooked up to that 17" TFT display. Although it gets quite hot, it doesn't burn or anything.

The last PowerBooks that actually burned was the PowerBook 5300 line in tests at Apple when using those new LiIon batteries, so they shipped them with older ones.

But yes, where are the reviews? Oh, guess nobody has a test unit yet? :)