Nightly Camino

I agree. Camino is much more beautiful, and has many more features than firebird. But i've found in flat out speed tests, firebird loads pages in less than 4 seconds that camino takes about 10 to finish. I just always find myself waiting for camino before i can click something, whereas i find firebird always waiting for me to go somewhere next.
Firebird 0.8 seems REALLY fast. It's not out yet but i got a nightly build. However it was not even close to public release yet because scrolling was all screwed up. Something to keep an eye out for though!
I found it. And, i am speechless. They have made this browser as beautiful as Safari and Camino, and actually made it faster.

It's very nice, however, it isn't as fast as 0.7. I find taht it takes most of its time on the "resolving host" step where 0.7 finds the host in no time at all. It's still an alpha, and it looks reallllly nice.

I think they'll come thru.
Just downloaded the latest camino nightly and I must say WOW so far!

I used to try and keep up with camino on a weekly basis, but kinda got side tracked checking out the new version of OmniWeb 5 (which is very nice in my opinion).

The last nightly version I had of Camino was 2004021208, which translates to feb 12 2004.

This version that I received tonight seems a lot faster than what camino has been in a while. Plus they change the icons in the interface, looks good.
once again, the nightlys are SWEET. Updated interface and it seems really speedy. I don't like the automatic image resizing though. Oh well. ;)
twister said:
once again, the nightlys are SWEET. Updated interface and it seems really speedy. I don't like the automatic image resizing though. Oh well. ;)

But that's a feature in Firefox that really like. I don't like having to scroll around, but it's nice to be able to see the detail. Why don't you like it?
Does anyone know how to add ad blocking to camino? Some say you can add a userContent.css to block ads in camino but i can't figure out where.