No boot after restart or deep sleep


Whenever I restart, after a software install for example, my dual 1.8 G5 with 3 gigs of RAM and 10.5.1 will not start. To get it to boot up again, I have to power it off with the power button and pull the plug for 5 minutes or so. Then it will boot again. It operates normally until it goes to deep sleep or as I mentioned, restart. It will also occasionally freeze running various apps. Restarting is the same as above. If I let it go to sleep, it will not wake up and fans will race.

Some background.

I have had the computer at the Apple Store where they vacuumed it out and swapped and reseated the processors and ran the Apple Hardware test disc. Everything checked out OK. Since I've had it home, I've reset the PMU, did an archive and install of Leopard. I also ran the Hardware test disc including the long RAM test, and all OK. I've run Disk Warrior. I have not been able to zap the PRAM nor reset the NVRAM from the keyboard. I've unplugged all Firewire, USB, devices.

I can't really pin down when this all started or what I was doing when it began.

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, I'll take them.

One simple thing would be to replace the PRAM battery which might be part of the problem.

However I had a similar problem while upgrading an old iMac and I tried nearly everything and was about to give up when I thought I would pull the RAM and put in a known good chip. Lo and behold everything worked just fine. I know you said you did the hardware test but that isn't always the answer. Try pulling all the sticks but one and see what happens, then try another, etc.
Thanks. The PRAM voltage checked out OK, but maybe I'll just replace it. I'll check the RAM tonight when I get home. Thanks.
