no startup disk but i need to create disk image...


i hope someone can help me with this issue...

i was recently given an intel based iMac desktop. i want to transfer everything from my old mac, a Powerbook G4 (not intel) but i dont have the startup disk. I tried creating a disk image onto an external hard drive but got the error message "source busy".

how do i transfer all my info and programs onto the newer intel based mac without the start up disk from the old G4?....

if this is impossible, can someone point me in the direction of where i can buy a start up disk for the G4?....

thanks in advance!

Create a dummy user account on the iMac meaning an account with a different name than any of the accounts you are transferring from the G4. Also this account can be scrapped when the process is complete. You will need either a firewire 400 or firewire 400/800 cable depending on which firewire port the iMac has. Boot the G4 into firewire target disk mode. Boot the iMac up normally. Connect the firewire between both computers. On the iMac go to applications/utilities/migration assistant. Follow through migration assistant and when you select method of transfer select "from another mac" and you should be all set. When its done your applications, user accounts, and data including mail, libraries, files/folders will be properly transferred across.
Shut down G4. Hook up firewire from G4 to iMac. Hold down the 'T' key on G4 and startup while still holding the key down. Screen on G4 should have firewire symbol floating around and iMac should have the G4's HD on it's desktop. You are now in 'Target Disk Mode'

Now, just open the G4's HD and drag what you want from it to the iMac. Caution, however, that apps SHOULD mostly be installed with installers, as they have other components that are installed in different places. Pics, music, and docs will have no such problems.