Official Yosmite Thread! :)


Staff member
This is for talking about Yosemite. If you have individual issues, please make new threads for those particular issues for faster support and response.
I don´t know if this is the right place to ask a question about Yosemite.
Is there a way to 'turn off" the Spelling suggester?
It's under Keyboard Preference (Text) there is a checkbox to "Correct spelling automatically".
Does anyone know how you can display a light or white background on Mac OS X and be able to read the Icon Text??? This is one Achille's heel of the OS in my view,,,

- also do not like the fact that if you have the light menubar choice selected that any custom dock folders you have open in folder view on a white background with illegible text! Must be some way to change this background to dark or the text to black?

The apps that have issues in the menu bar have not been updated yet (or on your machine) to support the dark background.

Is that view of your icons above on your desktop? You can always change the background picture/color to something darker.
Scott, this is exactly my point.. I use dark backgrounds and have to use them to be able to identify the icon text! I would like to be able to use some of the lighter backgrounds but obviously cannot as there is no way to change Desktop Icon Text from white colour to Black!

As for the menubar Icons... waiting for developers to update their apps but meanwhile I have just raided the resources folder for individual apps and reverted the relevant Menubar Icons so they stand out. Only one I have an issue for is Mega... cannot find the associated icon for it!
It's under Keyboard Preference (Text) there is a checkbox to "Correct spelling automatically".
Scott, thank you but that is not what I want to know, let me find a way to express myself better and I will get back
Thank you very much
Not so much a problem but a general observation: it appears a memory hog.

As per the signature I have 16 G RAM. Rarely do I use half of that. Sometimes when rendering video as I am running a browser full of highly necessary addons--oh look! A video!--et cetera--I will

I noticed Safari ran slow as a Very Slow Thing, even hung, and crashed. Now Safari I do not have loaded with "bloateware-addons/extensions." In fact, having reverted back to OS 10.8.5 it is happily humming along.

Now if I had been smart, I would have screen shot Activity Monitor before I downgraded :oops: but to my recollection Safari was perpetually hanging and I did not notice an obvious "hog."

Again, an observation, not a seeking for help.

And this sight needs to re-add its signature smiley:

Not so much a problem but a general observation: it appears a memory hog.

You shouldn't be concerned with what any RAM usage utilities say. OS X is very smart about memory usage. OS X takes free memory, and if possible it fills it up with things that it caches to increase speed. In other words, OS X takes free memory and makes it work for you. The only thing that you should be concerned about is if performance has degraded. So far most users have told me that performance has increased using Yosemite.

"It should be noted that there are times when Memory Used will be very close to your Physical Memory value, but this does not mean your system doesn’t have enough memory. Instead that memory might be used by the File Cache, which can be quite large. "
That may be true, but it is a significant difference--since "correlation is always causation damn it!"--but more seriously, Safari ran slooowwwww . . . and repeatedly hung.

The significance of that is my Safari is pretty lean and I was not opening multiple tabs that were all running videos and downloading 1 TB Bloatware!

Anyways, I put it up there to see if I would receive either, "yeah! You are right! This sucks! ArGGG!" or "What the hell are you on about! Safari is breaking the laws of physics it is so fast!" On that note, I have noticed that upgrades can clear passwords as in you have re-sign in to AppStore and the like. I mention that because it would not accept my sign in.

I received a long--I mean long--apologetic note from Apple which also noted they have received similar complaints regarding Safari, iPhoto, and the like.

All that blathered, it was not a bad experience. I usually wait a year for an upgrade--"'CDs?!' What is that! I have 8-track--8-tracks!"--for the "bugs" to work out. Just for the hell of it I decided to test its first release. I cannot fault it if some of my favorite programs do not work with it, but most of them do actually.

"Blah . . . blah" sorry for the lecture.

I haven't noticed Safari hanging, but I have noticed generally poor performance in two ways:

1. Scrolling was very choppy at first. I attribute this to the translucent toolbar, because after I went into System Preferences > Accessibility and disabled some transparency effects, this problem went away.

2. Flash videos skip and stutter. They still play fine in Firefox.

I tried disabling all my add-ons (can't live without 'em!), but it made no difference. So for now I rely on Firefox for any videos.

I haven't taken a close look at memory usage, but I haven't noticed any telltale signs of memory shortage yet.
No real complaints, performance is about the same or improved, definitely not worse..I mean the visuals kinda smacked me in the face when it first booted up. But it has kinda grown on me already... at least I like the more vibrant folder icons. But visually, Time Machine... my God, what did they do to it?
Speaking about the visual experience: has anyone found an easy method to keep the old appearance of the dock and the icons? I decided to do the installation on a separate HD (so I could return easily) and was appalled by the view of the desktop.
Let me share my experience from installing to working with Yosemite. In fact OS X 10.10 came up with a complete makeover of Safari. Many new features like removal of items from Dock, sending an audio during chat, turning on of iCloud drive, taking screenshots by connecting an iPhone (running iOS8) and Mac (running Yosemite) with each other etc.
My biggest gripe (so far) is how long it takes for a running program to wake up after sitting inactive, say, overnight. For example, I have a Numbers spreadsheet that I update every day, first thing in the morning. When I'm done, I hide it. Now, in the morning, the document reappears instantly when I click the Numbers icon in the Dock - but so does the beachball, spinning for 30 to 40 secs! Pages behaves like this as well, as do several non-Apple apps.