Oh Caffeine, How I need Thee

Chemistry_geek, wow, your story is a bit alarming to me. I am myself hypoglycemic, and drink Coke/Pepsi quite frequently. I have at least 2 cans or 1 bottle maybe even 2 bottles (not the huge liter ones) per day.

Could it potentially destroy my pancreas? If what you say is true, I do not want my hypoglycemia to turn into diabetes. I am willing to put the effort in to quitting soda. I felt that if I had one can every now and then that should be OK, but I always feel like crap after I have soda, yet, I still have it.

Another thing that alarms me is that I feel I experience a fairly good amount of "floaties" in my eyes, some are black (rarely) some flash white. This is freaking me out. Your post alone might be enough to get me to quit altogether.

And the days when I don't have soda, I feel better emotionally! Wierd. I am working towards a better diet, because hypoglycemia can be pretty serious. Are you still drinking coffee?


Yes, you seem to have some of the symptoms of hypoglycemia. I no longer drink sugar colas except for Coke Classic maybe 6 times a year - I can't handle the sleepy/drowsy feeling for 2 hours afterward very well. I too have the black floaties, and once in a while I see the white flashes. Eyes don't handle low sugar or high sugar very well. Most hypoglycemics become diabetic later in life. That's why I have the cinnamon in my diet. Read about it here:


If you are interested in discussing this more and would like some heavy-duty reading material on the subject, send me a private message or contact me at jbel32@yahoo.com.
But always keep in mind that worrying too much in your life is probably the _worst_ you can do to your mind and body.
Fryke, I agree, and I don't feel I am worrying so much as taking action. Hypoglycema/diabetes is serious, as are other conditions, and by taking the right action, I can, as well as chemistry_geek, lead healtheir lives.

Do you have any conditions? Or are you perfect?
As yet another sufferer of hypoglycaemia, I'm beginning to think that it has nothing at all to do with diet. It's all about sitting too long in front of a Mac!


(I shall get to 1000 posts without being accused of spamming! :p )
Oh PLEASE don't tell me that....I would hate to have to switch back to a PC for my computing....maybe it's worth the risk to use the Mac?? ;)
fryke said:
Ah. Now I need to make an espresso. DON'T post these pictures, I'll drink too many espressi per day!! :)

What brand of machine do you use? I have a mediocre DeLonghi capable of producing drinkable espresso, but it doesn't achieve the aroma of properly pressed espresso.
Recommendations, anyone?

Time for dessert ;)

I'm a "Nespresso" addict at home. Makes perfect espresso, although it's a bit on the expensive side with the capsule system. But I have this Italian café around the corner, where I enjoy my off-time.
I broke my streak of no Coke the other day...I realized that maybe its OK for me to drink caffeine sparingly, instead of not at all. I experimented by only having Coke when I go to the movies or something....and I think this helps.

Does chocolate have caffeine? I don't remember....cause I also love my hot chocolate :D
That is the ONLY thing I'd get at Starbucks, but I never really go there...I just make my own stuff at home, with some fine ingredients like Cinnamon. Mmmmmm. :)
Yeah, nothing beats coffee made at home. :D

I also bought some of those disposable portable coffee cups and they work great for my wife and me.

As for chocolate, it does have caffeine but I think it's only the chocolate bars that have it. Unless you make hot chocalate "the old fashioned way", then I don't think it has caffeine. Of course, I could be wrong.

We usually use the Swiss Miss hot cocoa mix with some hot milk and marshmallows. Mmmmm... :)
Yes chocolate has caffeine.

Cup of coffee         90-150mg
Instant coffee        60-80mg
Tea                   30-70mg
Hot chocolate         5-10mg
Mate                  25-150mg
Cola                  30-45mg
Chocolate bar         30mg
Stay-awake pill       100mg
Vivarin               200mg  
Cold relief tablet    30mg
Haven't seen Jolt in the UK. You'll have to e-mail me a can! ;)

Or even better, if you drink 6 cans in one go, you'll have enough nervous energy to chuck one over to me! :D
At home i have this Gaggia http://www.gaggia.uk.com/tebe.htm , handles heavy use well (my friends all like my coffee so i often end up amkign lots at once), but at work i used to be in an office with 3 coffee nuts who had bought this: http://products.saeco.com/articolo.asp?id_linea=1&id_articolo=5872 . I drank sooo much coffe at that point, and my friend was on 15 espresso/day. Now i work down the hall, but i get them the coffee so i have visiting right :) (Illy Gourmet 'Napoli' at teh moment) . Its the best coffee in the organisation, so there are often a couple of people hanging out there.
ora said:
…but at work i used to be in an office with 3 coffee nuts who had bought this: http://products.saeco.com/articolo.asp?id_linea=1&id_articolo=5872 . I drank sooo much coffe at that point, and my friend was on 15 espresso/day. Now i work down the hall, but i get them the coffee so i have visiting right :) (Illy Gourmet 'Napoli' at teh moment) . Its the best coffee in the organisation, so there are often a couple of people hanging out there.

Where do you work? What do you do? Can I have a job there too? :D
CaptainQuark said:
Where do you work? What do you do? Can I have a job there too? :D

Sure, why not! We are what can only be described as caffeine friendly organisation, a huge amount of the work seems to be done in the cafes over large espressos. On the job front, if you are in IT or physics and could survive in the land of fondue at cuckoo clocks, let me know!