ok what's the deal with THIS?????


Mac Ninja
This started when I tried to restart and something called "Classic Manager" or "Classic Resource Client" or some weird shit like that "Canceled the logout command", so I forced classic to quit, then the os X still did not restart, but ended up going to the login window. But the background was all white! So I just hit restart. Ever since then, my login window looks like this! I want my blue background back!


  • weird_login.jpg
    52.2 KB · Views: 165
This is how the background of my login screen has looked since I updated to 10.1... It actually is kind of odd that you haven't had this until now, really (unless I was having a problem to begin with). So unless anyone says otherwise, I'd say it's normal.
My login screen has always had a blue background. And since mine is blue, and I'm always right, the stripey background is wrong. :D

This might be when MacOS X can't find the image it uses for the background, then.

It probably uses one of the tile patterns. The reason I am considering this possibility is because back in MacOS X.0.0 I moved my /Library/Desktop Backgrounds/ folder to another drive to conserve space, and made an alias to it. MacOS X.0.* handled this fine, but now it can't stand it (that is, none of the presets work, including the "Pure Colors" option, or whatever it's called)

So just out of curiosity, where are the desktop backgrounds kept in MacOS X.I?
I never really thought about it until this thread but my grape imacDv400 runs the blue screen all the way thru and my girlfriend's new graphite imacDV600 runs a kind of wavy pattern after the initial blue screen that is different from the one you have. I wonder if it has anything to do with the machine it is running on - like the way my grape imac always booted with a purple screen in 9. Of course she didn't have to go thru any major crashes to get hers like that and neither of us logs on each time so it is just a smooth transition from screen to screen.
Strange though, when I boot into OS X I don't get no blue login screen either. Actually, its kinda blue, but its the picture called "Aqua Blue.jpg", which is located in "/Library/Desktop Pictures"...
Could it b that u renamed that folder, or that u deleted the Aqua Blue.jpg?
This worked in my case. Turns out that because I had an named "Desktop Backgrounds" in my Library folder (referring to the real folder on another drive), I never got a "Desktop Pictures" folder. Copying my desktop folder over fixed the problem.

Of course, we don't know if it fixes Solrac's problem...
Actually, somebody posted a tip somewhere (the ol' memory's fading) about how to change your login screen background. The default is in fact the Aqua Blue.jpg in the Desktops directory. So just choose whatever background image you like, rename it "Aqua Blue.jpg" and stick in that directory.