Opening files


If I wish to open a file/document/application, I get the first box shown in Picture 1.

However, I want this box to open every time as Picture 2 (i.e. bigger).

Can anyone advice how I can do this?


  • Opening-Files.jpg
    49.5 KB · Views: 13
Probably have to change the size setting in the preferences or .pkg contents.
Is it possible to change the preferences on this finder window (as in the attached picture below)?


  • attachment.jpeg
    22.9 KB · Views: 8
Thanks Curosity. Unfortunately this makes no difference.

I also find the Finder opens up in a variety of different sizes, for no apparent reason it would seem.

I really would like the Finder to open up the same size each time.
I think there's also a misunderstanding here... That's not a _Finder_ window, but the open/save dialogue of Microsoft Word, right?

When I orignally posted I was referring to the dialogue box one sees after scrolling to 'OPEN' in an application (in this case Microsoft Word). These application dialogue boxes always seems to open too small. I would like them to open bigger, so I need to scroll less often.

However, I find the same problem with the Finder window. It nearly always opens too small.

I wonder whther there is anyway of configuring application dialogue boxes and the Finder window to always open at a fixed size of my choosing?
In the Finder, views are saved. You open an item, close it, and it'll open to the same view next time. Unless you're using browsing-view (brushed metal), where the view is kept from the previous window. I generally simply use the column-view in browser-mode. I define the "new window" for Finder to something that suits me (by opening it, not selecting anything, adjusting it and then closing it). Dunno about the open/save dialogues. I don't think those have system-wide settings, rather app-specific.