OS X 10.1.3 Seeded


Senior Member & Tech Guru
Mac OS X v10.1.3 Update Build 5Q28 has been seeded to developers. Release date not set for final release.
I assume that this is only for paying members of ADC, correct? I'm not seeing it on the website (free account).
If you're only an 'online' member, you won't get OS updates earlier than a regular user. If however you're a premier or select ADC member, you'll get monthly CDs with developmental builds not only of Mac OS (X) but also other software. At least that was the case a few years ago when I still was one. :)
Yup, that's still the deal.

1.1.3 will probably be available before the end of February. Not too much longer.

Some new fixes: added drivers for third-party USB and FireWire devices (e.g., digital cameras and printers). Other things too. The Update describes some of the new features. Mostly utilitarian; don't know why people spread so many rumors (hate 'em) but, NO 1.1.3 doesn't have Spring Loaded folders. It is more of an interrum update to address some specific issues (although, note to those interested: SSL supported was finally able to be added to Mail). Here, read this:


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I wonder what they are working on? Namely, what's so hard about spring loaded folders? I'm a developer, I know this shouldn't take more than a week to code (that's generous) so *maybe* three weeks to schedule/code/qa/merge/etc.

If somebody said it was six weeks because of some wacky process I'd say ok. This seems to be important to everybody so they really should have it done. It's not that hard.

Why did they prioritize so many little things above somethign that everybody wants like spring loaded folders?

Anyway, I can wait, I'm just wondering what they are thinking.
Originally posted by vanguard
I wonder what they are working on? Namely, what's so hard about spring loaded folders? I'm a developer, I know this shouldn't take more than a week to code (that's generous) so *maybe* three weeks to schedule/code/qa/merge/etc.

Ever heard of marketing? :)

Apple needs every bigger upgrade of Mac OS X to be a hit. It needs to be feature packed. It needs to make people drool for it. They had a big chance with 10.0 and missed that a bit. Sure, people *loved* the look of it but *hated* its speed. So that was the 'theme' of the 10.1 Upgrade: Speed. Then they went into 'Applications' which wasn't really something THEY did, more like 'look, see, they're coming'. If Mac OS X 10.2 is *not* a hit, if it does *not* make OS9ers come aboard, the whole thing must be seen as a disaster. If they'd give us spring loaded folders in a dotdot-update, the big audience wouldn't notice. People who have not as of yet really considered switching to OS X must be hit with hammers, not needles & pins. Easy.
fryke - i was never a fan of spring loaded folders. i can see how they would be more useful in osx but they are still not what i would consider a "big success" feature on its own. But i think your idea of upgrading in themes is probably pretty close to the idea. If apple really wants to bring the faithful onboard osx they are going to have to give it more of the familiar look and feel of os9 when it comes to ease of use. Everything linux will need to be an option that can be done just as easily thru the gui and utilities we are used to. mac faithful are never going to be terminal jockeys willingly. something most mac buyers have never had included in the price is excessive confusion. I hope they get all the bugs in this priveldges/permission thing fixed and give us some real straightforward point and click way to manage all of them. and some understandable documentation to go with it.

just 2 cents from an ex marketing guy and long time mac faithful.