OS X 10.2.6 and XP sharing


Is there a way to get the Mac to auto connect to my XP share folder at startup. I have sharing working perfectly in both directions, but I have to re-connect to the XP share manually when I re-boot the Mac using the "connect to server" function.
Thanks for the reply Bob. You know, I actually tried that last night and the shared drive icon moved to the login folder but did not connect upon re-boot. I'll try again when I get home.

I just found this reply to your link:

Authored by: zedwards on Wed, Sep 11 '02 at 11:51AM
I tried this AND by adding the Favorite link to the login items and it does not work. "The operation could not be completed because no application was found to open the Internet location file '"

If you drag the icon from the finder, you are just draging a link, so that would not work anyways because it becomes dead once you unmount it.

It does work. Just tried it myself.

I mounted a Powerbook (10.2.6) on a G4 (10.2.6) and then dragged the PB icon to the Login Preference Pane and put the check mark in there and ejected the PB, logged out and back in and the PB mounted automatically.
Nope, doesn't work. After re-booting, the shared drive in the Login pane is still there and checked but it says "unknown".