Os x 10.3.9 unable to trash i-tune item from desk top


G5 Dual PPC currently running 10.3.9
Hi There
I'm about to up grade my G5 to 10.5 but I suddenly developed a problem.
I-tunes started freezing my computer on some songs, it would place a (!) next to the title and freeze for what appears to be the time of the song, then go back to normal, a number of them where by David Bowie so I went to that play list and started to drag the list to the trash, as the list started across the desk top it landed there and now every time I click on it my computer freezes.
I've repaired permissions, run Onyx, and tried repairing from the disc, the name will disappear but returns and freezes if I click that space on the desk top, as long as I stay away from there everything seems to works ok-but a little slower, I think.
Do I need to fix this before I install 10.5 or will the new I-Tunes inherit the problem?

I realize the is pretty old stuff
Thanks for any help
Understand that it is nobody's job here to help you. We are users who share our knowledge and insight with other users. You are running MacOS X 10.3.9 on a computer that will run MacOS X 10.5.8 without issue. I don't run MacOS X 10.5 on my G5 because I need Classic. However, I do run MacOS 10.4.11. There is nothing that MacOS X 10.3 can do that MacOS X 10.4 can't do better. MacOS X 10.5 will allow you to run the latest PPC and Universal Binary software. A substantial fraction of the members here--maybe even a majority--have never run MacOS X 10.3. This means that you are asking help of people who have never used your OS and of others whose memories of your OS faded the better part of a decade ago.

The bottomline is that I strongly urge you to go ahead and upgrade to MacOS X 10.5 if you don't need Classic. The Installer will perform the required maintenance utilities for your computer to perform its best.
Excuse me, but I never said it was anybody's JOB, the last line asked if installing OS X 10.5 would solve the problem, you seem to think it will. I hope your right.
Thank You
All the knowledge and experience here abd nobody can give me a clue?

I think MisterMe was referring to that part of your post -- which I have to agree, could have been worded in a more friendly fashion.

MisterMe's point is that no one here is any different from yourself -- we are all visitors to this forum, and share our time and knowledge when and if we can. We ask for help, and also give out help when possible.

Nobody is paid to do what they do here, and there is no full-time (nor part-time) staff sitting at a computer answering people's questions. We've got day jobs, school, and other responsibilities and we help when we can -- which I strongly urge you to do as well (give and take!).

Hopefully we can lead you down the right path to rectify your problem -- but sometimes it may take days for you to get an answer... sometimes weeks... sometimes never. It all depends on how much people feel like contributing at that very point in time, and we all know that sometimes we have hard days where we really don't feel like helping all that much.

There are tons of services available that will help you with Mac problems 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at your beck and call -- the difference being that you will have to pay for them to help you.

This place is free, and, as life goes, you get exactly what you pay for. If we can help you solve your problem, then you just got something for nothing, and we expect absolutely nothing in return for doing so (except maybe a quick "Thanks!").

Sometimes a single line misinterpreted, as yours may have been, is enough to make someone not want to help at all. No one owes anyone help here -- we do it because we like the Mac platform and want others to like it, too. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

Stick around -- I think you'll find this place extremely helpful, but again, it's absolutely free, and you get what you pay for.