Os X 10.5.3


I'm pretty new to Apple and OS X, but have been a Unix user for 20 years. I logged in this AM and saw a message telling me there was an update, so I said sure ... why not. I ended up with 10.5.3. Here is what I experienced ...

1) After the reboot stuff was slow. I thought things weren't loading at all, but the system was just slow. That disappeared in a couple of minutes.

2) I had my system configured not to adjust screen brightness based on ambient light. After the upgrade, that attribute had been reset ... a nit.

3) In addition to my touchpad, I use a bluetooth mouse. The mouse worked fine, the touchpad worked fine, the button on the touchpad didn't work. Rebooting is something I just don't usually do on my servers, but I said to hell with it and rebooted.

4) Now the mouse works, the touchpad works, and the touchpad button works ... for a few minutes, then the mouse quits working. Batteries are good and lights are on, but no go. Hmmm. Try to open the Bluetooth utility and it hangs with that stupid rainbow colored spinning wheel. Option-Command-Esc and Force Quit Bluetooth ... now the System Preferences window is hung. Option-Command-Esc does nothing. Hit the power button for a hard reset.

5) Power up. Now the mouse works, the touchpad works, and the touchpad button works ... and it all keeps working. Until I get home from work. I load up my VPN client to login and the VPN client says there is no available internet connection. I have Safari open and am receiving email while I read the error message. I reinstall the Cicso VPN client and it connects with no problem.

I had no real issues with 10.5.2. I hope today was not a harbinger of things to come.
First of all to reset System Preferences just go to the folder ~/Library/Preferences/ and throw out the preference file com.apple.systempreferences.plist . To reset most any stubborn program by throwing out it's preferences.

The 10.5.3 update contained a huge security update that should have restarted the Mac twice when it installed, so did it?
Yes, the system booted twice applying the update. I reset the screen dimming attribute as soon as the system booted after the update. I guess I am wondering if it changed that attribute, how many others did it change.

So far this morning all I have had to do if Force Quit Safari one time.
So far this morning all I have had to do if Force Quit Safari one time.

Do you have any third party add-ons for Safari installed? Have you updated Flash lately? Did you throw out Safari's Preference file to try to reset it?
I updated Flash last month. I'll check and see if there is a new version. I do believe it locked up loaded a Flash file.

Thought that might have been the issue, especially when things got back to normal in a couple of minutes.
