OS X On X-Files


I'm watching the new x-files episode and Sculley is using Mac OS X on a computer during a video conference. Just thought I'd point that out.
Yep, I saw that too. Anyone know what software they were using? Or was it just some made up program like they use in most shows?

Oh, and they must have had a T1 or something at each end. That was some really good streaming video!
Not sure about the software since I'm about to move so my satellite dish is down and the reception here in NYC with rabbit ears sucks (antenna I believe was on one of the WTC towers!), but I always noticed that Scully used Macs. Nice to see she finally upgraded to OS X! I always found it amusing, though, that someone in the FBI would be using a Mac for secure stuff, of course until OS X came out. :)
Originally posted by hazmat
I always found it amusing, though, that someone in the FBI would be using a Mac for secure stuff, of course until OS X came out. :)

Why is that so amusing? What, Windows is more secure than the Classic Mac OS? Riiiiight.
Originally posted by simX

Why is that so amusing? What, Windows is more secure than the Classic Mac OS? Riiiiight.

NT? I would think so. I always saw OS 9 and earlier as more of a toy. :)
OS9 was sort of a toy, because it did not have the multitasking features required of a modern OS. but secure? you betcha!

i m not saying that it wasn t chock full of holes, because who knows? the answer is noone! crackers don t waste their time looking for holes in OS9, because there weren t enough users. and the lack of a command line makes it hard (read: almost impossible) to run scripts remotely. to attack the services, you would have to do real coding. it had some real bonehead problems, and if you found one, you could easily crash it, but they were really hard to find.

i have heard that even the OS had become badly undocumented by the apple developers, because of years of using very limited ranges of hardware, and reusing ancient code.

there was a mac company that used to put up a mac server on the internet, and give out the IP address, and offer $10,000 to the cracker who gained access, and edited a web page, and for the first couple of years, no one got it! i think the third year, they added a bunch of third party software, and someone found a hole in one of those third party servers, and gained access.

based on this result, the army decided to migrate a large portion of its sensitive servers to OS9. so it is totally believable that the FBI might try it.

nota bene! i am not claiming that OS9 was air tight. on the contrary, i will bet that OS9 was swiss cheese in terms of security. but the point is that it is not well documented, and has no command line, and is just not seen much as a server platform. apple uses a lot of closed up proprietary technologies, and crackers just didn t pay attention to it. compare that with windows, which has ever cracker bucking for it, and its more than willing to run vbs sccripts, and .bat files (true, i suppose you could try applescript on OS9). and of course, for performance, it was terrible. if you accidentally click on a menu, and leave it open, the server just stops. pretty terrible, eh?
That is awsome! All these years everyone on the X-Files used PCs! Now they just need to drop the cars they have now and start driving VWs!!!
I love VW's. Great cars all around. I kinda wonder how many other Macheads are also VW freaks. I'd be willing to bet a fair amount.

Anyone else care to expound?
Originally posted by thedbp
I love VW's. Great cars all around. I kinda wonder how many other Macheads are also VW freaks. I'd be willing to bet a fair amount.

Anyone else care to expound?

I had an '86 GTI. That car was a blast to drive. Until I got a BMW M3. :) The GTI was still lots of fun, though.
I wanted a new bug, but they're too expensive and don't get good enough gas mileage (I have personal issues with diesel -- blech).
Originally posted by hazmat
I always noticed that Scully used Macs. Nice to see she finally upgraded to OS X!
On MacSlash they ran an article not too long ago bout Apple being the "White hat" in movies and TV shows and Wintel being the "Black hat". The good guys always use Macintosh and the baddies use Dell or Gateway. They even went so far as to point out that when a supposedly good guy owned a PC they always turned out to be a traitor. I've seen this tons of times but the only one I can think of now is Buffy, where she and Willow use Macintosh computers and Spike uses some sort of PC.

Mission Impossible
Independence Day
The list goes on and on...
Based on how many times I see Mac's in the movies and on television compared to Windows, you would think that Apple had 90% marketshare instead of Microsoft.
Originally posted by jocknerd
Based on how many times I see Mac's in the movies and on television compared to Windows, you would think that Apple had 90% marketshare instead of Microsoft.

Good, as long as people believe it, it'll eventually happen when they go to make a decision. "Hmm, They used a Mac on the X-Files, so I should too!"
Originally posted by nkuvu
I wanted a new bug, but they're too expensive and don't get good enough gas mileage (I have personal issues with diesel -- blech).

I have a 95 Golf. I love it. Great gas mileage... but there is a lack of speed :)

diesel gets great gas mileage doesnt it ?
Originally posted by Nummi_G4

I have a 95 Golf. I love it. Great gas mileage... but there is a lack of speed :)

diesel gets great gas mileage doesnt it ?

Diesel engines get great diesel mileage, not gas mileage. :p . However, it's a trade-off to make with the emissions. I'd love to get a diesel Jetta, but I think I'll probably stick with the gas (or try to afford a hybrid) for the sake of emissions. :)
What I originally wanted was the Toyota Prius -- the hybrid electric/gas car. Its mileage is about 55 mpg, IIRC. For about the same price as the bug, which got somewhere between 25-33 mpg (again, IIRC). The diesel got 41 mpg, but I can't accept the emissions if I'm looking for a fuel efficient (aka environmentally friendly) car.

The Prius had a three month waiting period, however, so I went with the Echo instead.

Oh, and I haven't seen X-Files since Duchovny left more than once or twice. It doesn't help that I don't have television. Screenshots would be nice...