Outlook Express 5 and macos 10.3


I have been running Outlook Express 5 on macos 9.1 then I was updated to macos 10.3 at my workplace. I want to keep using Outlook Express 5 because my co-workers have not been updated yet and I want them to be able to use a familiar email program on my computer. My problem is after I updated I opened Outlook Express 5 in macos 10.3 none of my saved folders were there and I had to completly redo my account. That worked fine for a few days, now all of a sudden I keep getting error messages that "address is already in use" and I have to hit "send and receive" manually - the error codes (-47 i think) and slowly but surely my email will come up - this is driving me (and my boss) crazy. Please help. I am working on a Powermac G4 running MACOS 10.3.
Methinks you worry too much. Mail is not Outlook Express, but is similar in look and feel. Mail can import your OE account settings and files. If your workers are confused by the few obvious differences between the two mail apps, then perhaps they should still be eating with spoons.
No reason to belittle those co-workers you don't actually know (I guess), MisterMe. Some people have a hard time adjusting to new applications, things done differently etc.
marieks said:
My problem is after I updated I opened Outlook Express 5 in macos 10.3 none of my saved folders were there and I had to completly redo my account.
Well, I've seen this many times...

Outlook Express running in Mac OS 8/9 keeps all it's files in the Documents folder on the upper most level of the hard drive. But Outlook Express running in Classic in Mac OS X keeps all it's files in the Documents folder in your account folder (the folder that looks like a house).

As I recall, the folder in the Documents folder with all this stuff is called Microsoft User Data.

When I move someone from Mac OS 9 to Mac OS X (and they want to continue to use Outlook Express) I move the Microsoft User Data folder to their new Documents folder.

I'm guessing that the move to 10.3 was done by someone else (like an IT person). You could ask him to move that folder for you if you don't feel up to it (navigating in Mac OS X is sometimes disorienting for someone coming from Mac OS 9). Once the old Microsoft User Data folder is in the right place all your Outlook Express stuff should return to how it looked before you upgraded.
Thank you so much RacerX for the reply I will try that and thank you Fryke for taking up for my co-workers (who actually are very smart when it comes to macos 9). MACOS X is just a bear getting used to after working on Macos 9.1 for what seems like forever.
marieks said:
Do you have any ideas about the "address is already in use" message I keep getting?
Not sure about that one... I usually set up my clients transition so to avoid these types of things. Part of the problem may be the fact that while Outlook keeps a lot of data in that Microsoft User Data folder, it is still (at it's heart) a Mac OS 9 app. And as such also keeps some data in the System Folder's Preferences folder.

There could be a conflict with those preferences and the new Microsoft User Data folder that was created the first time you ran Outlook in Classic.

That really is something that would be best trouble shot in person. There are Mac specialist almost everywhere. Having someone knowledgeable in these areas can really smooth over the transition.

Of course part of the problem these days is finding someone with enough experience in both Mac OS 8/9 and Mac OS X... and has a ton of experience navigating the troubled waters of moving from Mac OS 9 to Mac OS X.

But from the posts you made so far, someone like that in your area would make all this much easier for you.