Palm X HotSync for Entourage X


Senior Member & Tech Guru
Anyone know where, when, why, what (the heck is going on)????

Microsoft, what are you doing???
Palm, what are you doing???

I no longer buy the B.S. finger-pointing of "Palm didn't release their Developer Kit yet" but I also don't buy Palm's "Try our beta, final release coming soon" crap!!

This is vaporware as far as I'm concerned at the moment.

Boy, Palm is sure in trouble. If Palm cannot hotsync with Entourage X then it will lose one of its core functions! And there are too many competing platforms (including cell phone features) to justify a half-functional Palm. I haven't touched mine in a several months because I can't update it! So why even use it to ADD contacts or events????? Oh, and Palm Desktop is weak so it's hardly comforting to say that it's out -- and since when do companies promote BETAS and releases??? Even Apple is buying into this nonesense (because it has to in order to demonstrate the 'success' of the shift from Classic to OS X in terms of software availability -- why else have all of Adobe's products {most of which are NOT actually available for OS X yet} been listed on Apple's OS X page --- I own EVERY Adobe product and the only one that even remotely comes close is Acrobat (and THAT's only partially carbonized). Where is my GoLive 6???? It was supposed to have shipped last week. Oh yeah?? Where is it, I still don't have it.

VAPORWARE. (Beta's DON'T count! [my new bumpersticker]).
I perfectly understand your anger. Mine is even bigger. I own a Sony N770 (the European version of the 760) and am pretty happy with it. But I'm actually synching it with my pretty old PC box - and only because Mac support of Sony devices isn't there. I can synch this baby with my TiBook through infrared, but that's slow as hell. Glad I'm using the Sony for my schedules, I don't *need* it on the Desktop. But backing up a PDA should be a core functionality of every digital-lifestyle-hub, I believe - and it is *not* as of today.

As for the betas you're talking about: You forgot about the final versions of Illustrator and AfterEffects which are happily out for a while already. And I think bashing Adobe now that their products (slowly) become available for OS X is bad - or at least too late.
Originally posted by fryke
As for the betas you're talking about: You forgot about the final versions of Illustrator and AfterEffects which are happily out for a while already. And I think bashing Adobe now that their products (slowly) become available for OS X is bad - or at least too late.

Regarding Illustrator, true enough (but AfterEffects is hardly a blockbuster product). But I want my MTV, I mean GoLive (and PhotoShop --- which is NOT shipping until late Spring, so I would hardly call it "available" (a reference to MacWorld Magazine, Apple, and Adobe who all seem to act like it's already out!).

Anyway, the point is, until I can see it on the store shelves or download it from a store website, it doesn't count. It's like a college football team that is ranked number one BEFORE the season starts -- it has NO meaning. It is the team ranked number one AFTER the season ENDS that gets the glory!
Well, QueueSync X  -  1.4.0b6 is nice and I like to see independent developers try to fill the void, but ...
it is NOT a solution. It is buggy (although the author is working on it :) and does not hotsync precisely the way the official conduit will likely be (for example, it doesn't handle multiple-day events quite properly and places "no end date" for events that are only one day).

Anyway, if you MUST have a conduit today, then this is a fair (and one of only a few!) choice; but it is only a temp solution and is not stable (even the developer cautions all to BACKUP before use).

But it IS worth a look, for those that are curious.
OK, so here is the latest. I spoke to reps from BOTH Palm AND Microsoft today, and here is the info that they stated:

(1) Palm claims that all necessary code to develop third-party conduits and/or applications for the Palm OS Platform -- whether on Wintel, Mac, Linux, whatever -- is freely available on their website and that nothing more is necessary.

[While this may or may not be true, I will say this: it does seem like other companies besides Microsoft have been able to develop some OS X conduits so far; so perhaps this claim IS true. Jury is still deliberating.]

(2) Microsoft spokesperson claimed that she had NO information on ANY pending release date for the Entourage X conduit! She claimed that it was NOT on her release date schedule and that no one in her department had ANY information that it was to be released soon let alone at all.

I suggest that all those interested in an Entourage X conduit call Microsoft, write them, email them, hire sky-writers and basically say: "What the F#@k is holding you up -- you'd better release this conduit otherwise fewer people while buy Entourage, and fewer will upgrade to the next version; plus, we'll all kick your a$$es!"
Hell yes I want my Entourage conduit! I don't know what is taking Microsoft so long, but I'm about ready to use my iPod's Contacts feature IN PLACE of my damn Visor Prism... between Palm, Handspring and Microsoft it's as if they're TRYING to kill the PDA market with their horrible support...
Just to let everyone know right off the bat, I'm downloading it and it says that it does support vCard and vCal, so until Microsoft does make an official conduit, you can at least export to vCal format and sync from there. Good to know—it's not perfect but at least it does work as expected... :)

I have no doubt Microsoft will release a final conduit very soon, in light of all this.