Panther 10.3 Question?

$129 is a whole lotta change, so it should be for a whole lotta changes.

If it's bug fixes and improvements, I dont know...service pack anyone?
Originally posted by BitWit
$129 is a whole lotta change, so it should be for a whole lotta changes.

If it's bug fixes and improvements, I dont know...service pack anyone?

OMG... I am a "Switcher" and to me $129 is kids change compared to Windows XP Pro upgrade of $199 or full $289 if you price around...

Apple Full version upgrade for $129 is about right... Quit Whinning guys and gals...
$129 is alot of money regardless of what micro$oft is charging on their end, i'd like to get more out of what i payed for before shelling out more dough, i.e service packs

on an off topic side note: I wish they'd improve the classic environment so that it could play games beyond 1997 better/at all (i.e. Quake 1: Team Fortress, Castles: Siege and Conquest, etc), I'd pay $129 for that :D
Originally posted by Sirtovin
OMG... I am a "Switcher" and to me $129 is kids change compared to Windows XP Pro upgrade of $199 or full $289 if you price around...

Apple Full version upgrade for $129 is about right... Quit Whinning guys and gals...

Windows service packs are FREE. Im talking about fixing bugs, not adding features. Can you image if Window2000 SP1, SP2, and SP3 were all $129 each?
Apple should publish a tariff and stick with it. I think that the unknown just makes people wait a little longer than they normally would. I am in the market for a book, should it be an iBook, PB or should I wait to see what G5 will be like? I like the iBooks, I want an iBook, but the fear is there that my iBook eg G3 will be obsolete a year from now.

Apple's secrecy makes for great showmanship but it really sucks when you're trying to make a decision as to what to buy.
Apple's service packs are free, too. See 10.2.1, 10.2.2 and 10.2.3 releases. The last one was over 50 megs, and so is the rumoured 10.2.4 release.

10.3 will be a full upgrade, 129 USD. This _is_ an upgrade price, as you can't own a Mac without already owning a Mac OS license (one comes with every Mac).

The 10.3 upgrade will have enough features to justify its price, just like 10.2 did. Don't fear.
Originally posted by BitWit
Windows service packs are FREE. Im talking about fixing bugs, not adding features. Can you image if Window2000 SP1, SP2, and SP3 were all $129 each?

Being a windows user... Those Service packs many network admins either hate or enjoy installing... the reason is with M$ products... there is a high turn over when you install an SP1 etc... Sometimes the computer that gets it does not react well at all... For instance... many of the networked computers may have different video cards, motherboards and processors... Sometimes the SP's... do not react well and crash one computer thus sometimes... not all the time... destroying the network... or better terms holding it up...

Windows won't dare charge for a SP yet... However the time is coming for it... Why you may ask? .NET... Yes... That one annoying plattform that Billy boy has his fingers crossed that will be highly secured... along with stability... he's counting on .NET to be a monthly charge...

Also rumored is Office 11... Once this version comes out... It is said there will be a pay option for any upgrades online and will start to highly incorporate the online/.NET apps... The beginning.

The days of free SP's from M$ are growing short... and I know some of you may be saying... "Wow, Sirtovin is on a rant..." but it is true... Bill doesn't want to keep giving 125mb downloads like SP1 was for XP... for free... Heck no... It makes him look bad... and it pisses people off who still use 56k modems... not to mention the fact he loses money for the bad publicity even though it's positive normally in the long one... SP1 for XP was a positive and negative for Bill...

Positive because for once it got the Justice Department off his back... because he made a program tool to disable IE, WMP, and a few other so called essentials for XP...

Negative because again it pissed people who work in the network field off due to the fact that if they had a Warez.. (which I do not condone...) They were sol... because they didn't have a proper 25 digit number to reacttivate windows...

I am glad Apple doesn't ask users to put in 25 digit combo codes to unlock their software... That they try to trust their user base against warez... etc... I again do not mind paying $125 for an upgrade that is FULL and not just a UPGRADE if you don't have a previous version of Mac OS whatever etc... as the example...

But Bill... Windows XP PRO FULL $299
Windows XP PRO UPGRADE $199
Windows XP HOME $199

(Clearly anyone can see this man's making a monopolized version of money... for all his upgrade paths...) Apple... One Upgrade... One Price One Full Version normally $125.

This to me is smart...
Originally posted by BitWit
$129 is a whole lotta change, so it should be for a whole lotta changes.

If it's bug fixes and improvements, I dont know...service pack anyone?

10.1.1, 10.1.2, 10.1.3, 10.1.4 and 10.1.5 were minor improvements and fixes. So were 10.2.1, 10.2.2 and 10.2.3. And they were all free downloads. I suspect that 10.2.4 will follow this same pattern and if there is a 10.2.5 then I am sure it will be small fixes and changes offered for free. I'm glad Apple releases them and I am glad they don't call them "service packs."

10.1 and 10.2 were major changes. And while some people might complain about having to pay $129 for these updated operating systems in such rapid sucession, I for one am delighted that Apple was able to make such sweeping improvements so quickly. Compared to 10.0 10.1 was a massive improvement, and 10.2 continued this cycle by making OS X feel like it had been reborn. I am sure that Apple will again surprise and delight us when it unveils 10.3.

So come late August/early September I will once again pull out my credit card and and gladly pledge Apple my $129 to ensure that they keep on developing what I feel is the best operating system on the planet. I choose to look at my money as paying not for the OS I am walking away with, but for the one which should appear in the next year. And that makes me very happy.