Panther Details

Hey Mac Heads,

Check out this inspiring artcile with details on the upcoming panther 10.3 release.

I'm going to go crazy until june 23, I bet the new OS will be off the hook !!!!

articles describes new quicktime, iWorks, iChat 2, control of documents in the dock and more stuff--check it out.
here's the story from just in case they change their front story.

System-wide metal. Panther's applications system-wide will sport a metal interface. When LoopRumors first reported a system-wide metal interface on March 18th, it was misinterpreted throughout Macintosh sites all over the net. Most applications already support the metal theme.

Flatter Aqua. The overall Aqua appearance in Panther will be flatter with less dimension. The last iChat update late last year showed signs in this direction with the red yellow and green window controls flatter, appearing more recessed within the window. The recently released iTunes also shows signs with the flatter play, fast forward and rewind buttons.

Improved Dock. You will now be able to control document windows that are sent to the dock. Click and hold on the window's icon in the Dock to Save, Print or Close that window.

Piles. Piles will work just like piles of paper stacked up on your desk. Instead of documents having their own individual space on your computer, you group them together in a Pile and see the contents of that Pile by clicking on it.

iChat 2.0. As we reported on December 5th with a subsequent report on March 24th, iChat will be Apple's answer to Microsoft's NetMeeting. iChat 2.0 will support videoconferencing with video streams at broadcast quality 30fps, taking advantage of a new compression that Apple has been developing. Other new features will include information on how long a buddy has been signed on and access to member profiles.

QuickTime 6.5. New version with support for videoconferencing, and several compression formats, specific details to come in our follow-up story.

Safari 1.0. The Safari web browser will be included as a golden master. Information on new features is still varied, we'll have more on this soon.

iWorks. Apple is developing a new software package that will rival Microsoft's Office X. On March 15, 2003, ThinkSecret first reported that Apple was working on a new productivity suite. iWorks will consist of a word processing application tentatively called "Document," Apple's Keynote presentation software, a spreadsheet/database application, and an updated Mail 2.0 app.

Advanced Mouse Support Built-in. Support for most third party mice with two and three buttons built in. Jaguar already contains support for scroll wheel mice. On April 30th, LoopRumors reported on a Bluetooth mouse in the works. We stand by this report.

Advanced Software Update. Several sources indicate that the Software Update Control Panel is redesigned. One report specifies that SUCP will maintain a history of all purchases made through one-click, i.e. iTunes Music and software purchased through the Apple Store, will always be accessible for download through that User ID.

64-Bit Support. Panther is written to take full advantage of 64-Bit architecture. Further evidence that Apple will adopt IBM's new PowerPC 970 chip. Although most Application written at the time of release will only be optimized for 32-Bit.
iWorks... i really wanna see that! [throws office aside, makes a countdown to september].
Ahhhh.... september will be amazing... high school starts..... panther comes out...... a fresh new start for everyone!
The dock sounds like it will be DELICIOUS........ mmmmm i can taste it already.
no iWork, but 3-4 apps that operate together like iTunes-iMovie-iDVD-iLove
Improved Dock. You will now be able to control document windows that are sent to the dock. Click and hold on the window's icon in the Dock to Save, Print or Close that window.
Yay! or should I say, "'bout time!"
iWorks will consist of a word processing application tentatively called "Document,"
A Document is equivilant to how many Words?
Originally posted by fryke
It's even the same thread that was posted last week. *cough*

ha ha ha, that would make sense then :eek:

I could have sworn that I posted in the original. Oh well, I guess I've had my laugh for today
The piles will be interesting to see. I had a college course in information visualization which is, in a nutshell, a field interested in finding new ways to present and navigate complex information systems - like a file system. We saw so many cool ideas and the general opinion of all students was, "Why can't we have this stuff now!" It looks like Apple is moving in new directions here and I'm hoping they do a good job.
I remember reading an interview with one of the old school user interface guys that was steaming mad when Apple didn't move on with piles. I think they've been kicking this idea around since before the System8ish era. Looks like he got his way. I'll be very interested to see how this works though. In briefest description it sounds like a folder of folders and files. Not very new. But I'm sure that's not a very fair appraisal, and suspect it's something you have to see to appreciate.
Themes. When Apple introduced OS X to the world, they didn't only retire its predecessor OS 9, they also retired a feature known as themes. These themes were both visual and audible. Sources say we'll see the return of themes with sounds.

User Switching. Unlike Log Out, where the user logs out and all applications quit and documents save, the switching feature allows users to log into their own identity and resume operation with open applications and documents. Talk of user log in with Voice print speech recognition will return to Panther.

More Dock Features. The dock will have smart grouping. Documents from the same program will be grouped together in the Dock.

Piles? Since our last report on Piles, we have heard arguments and reeived evidence that Piles may in fact not be a feature in the new OS. The jury is still out on this feature and time will tell. Piles are definitely being worked on at Apple and development is practically completely refined, but many conflicting reports and some solid evidence that Piles may not see the light of day in Panther.

iChat 2.0. We keep hearing that this will be the best feature to come with Panther. We've already reported on videoconferencing technology and additional features in iChat 2.0, but our sources maintain that iChat will be .

Speed. With most new versions of Macintosh Operating Systems, Apple has touted speed. Panther will be no exception. Speed increase will play a major part of Panther's overall performance, from start-up to system performance, and launching applications.

Safari 1.0. The Safari web browser will be included as golden master. The feedback bug will be eliminated. Support for third party plug-ins will be integrated right into the app.

Mail 2.0. Mail will see some major changes. Among them, better support for HTML and animated graphics. Enhanced anti-spam features and return receipt feature built-in.
the biggest reason why im upgrading:
Speed. With most new versions of Macintosh Operating Systems, Apple has touted speed. Panther will be no exception. Speed increase will play a major part of Panther's overall performance, from start-up to system performance, and launching applications.
I hope that Speed will really be evident on Panther. However, I'm curious how iWorks will work - Will it work with MS Office? Because that's another issue - integration with other applications/format.
I hope Panther will not be another $129 upgrade, because then Apple is just milking us. If anything, it should be something like $70 or $80, much more reasonable than having to buy the same OS time and time again. They also should make an upgrade version that will update your current system without having to reinstall everything anew like they used to do with <= 9.2.2.
Originally posted by arden
I hope Panther will not be another $129 upgrade, because then Apple is just milking us. If anything, it should be something like $70 or $80, much more reasonable than having to buy the same OS time and time again. They also should make an upgrade version that will update your current system without having to reinstall everything anew like they used to do with <= 9.2.2.

10.2 can be installed as an upgrade allowing you to keep your current system without having to reinstall everything anew.

i dont recommend this however. things always get forked in the transition.
Looking forward to upgrading as well. I am really looking forward to iWorks, and hope this rumour is true. When Panther comes out, use those coupons Apple gives us in the box. Can't wait, Mac X has really mature over the last year.
I can't wait for Panther to get here. And unlike many others I am looking forward to giving Apple my yearly $129. Not only is it a great reason to go to a party at the nearest Apple Store (currently 2.25 hrs away), but the entirely reasonable fee helps to insure timely and comprehensive updates. If $129 (rather than $99, $59, $29, etc.) means that I get one of these each year around the same time then I am delighted to pay it.
i also am looking forward to 10.3. i'm lookin forward to speed up in apps, etc. i wont mind the 130 cost either... we'll i would, but i would pay for it