Panther mail application


Is there a way to add more languages under "Message" -> "Text Encodings" in mail application under Panther OS? In Jaguar it had the whole bunch of languages to choose from, and now all they have left (besides Western) are Chinese, Japanese, and Korean... Excellent move, Apple decided not to market to Europe any more?
well, arn't most European fonts roman in base? (other then Russian, and Norse languages)
Heh... Not entirely accurate. Over a dozen various computer text encodings are used in Europe (at least the most common ones that I know of).

Anyway, I found it: in Panther one has to activate languages under "international" to make appropriate encodings available in various apps. Most of them were activated by default in Jaguar I guess.

My apologies to Apple for those doubts I had there for a moment :)
That makes sense to me... I don't want to have Latvian and Estonian, not to mention everything else, active by default when I use stuff like that.

Hell, I wouldn't even install them in the first place...
I had the same problem. My wife is Thai and gets Thai emails. I couldn't figure it out forever, becuase the encodings were there in Mail in 10.2. I posted the question to Apple's support discussion area. Tom Gewecke was able to point me in the right direction.

Those interested in Thai read on:

However problems worsened with the fact that the Thai font Thonburi that Apple installed corrupted all Thai encoding in all mozilla apps. Upon removing it or replacing it with the 10.2 Thonburi font encoding in Mozilla apps was repaired.
arden said:
Hell, I wouldn't even install them in the first place...

I know. As I was upgrading to Panther, it looked like the biggest chunk of the installation time was devoted to a huge list of languages.

It's not crucial, but would be nice to have a better degree of control as to waht languages and text encodings one would like to install..
AFAIK you can deselect the languages you do not want to install during the installation. If you do not need them, but have installed them nevertheless, you can use an utility like monolingual or delocalizer (check to remove them.