Paris Expo Video

Yeah! I was trying to get into your stream, but my QT5 PC couldn't and my QT6 Mac did no better...

Get it online, dammit!
Toast, don't be so hard on yourself. You don't look half bad on camera, especially compared to that picture on your website.

Hehe... the "remoot." :)

The birthday video wouldn't play on my browser! And I tried to open it in QT Player, and it still wouldn't play! :(
Great videos guys! The Birthday one did play for me, but the Security one gave a broken icon.

You guys seem like naturals on camera.;)
What will, the Expo or your reporting skills? :)

I think you did very well. I don't know how much training it takes to be a reporter, but I think you pulled it off very somewhat professionally. And I love your accent! :D I just wish Kjetil had showed his mug on camera. :mad: Oh, well.
Stop with the streaming...streaming is needed for live sendings, but it's the same amount of data going out, why not just make the clips downloadable and avoid all problems with slow speeds and QT stuff?
Originally posted by voice-
Stop with the streaming...streaming is needed for live sendings, but it's the same amount of data going out, why not just make the clips downloadable and avoid all problems with slow speeds and QT stuff?

No, because I get to have as much space as I want on this server for free. Find a 1000 Mbit file server with the same offer...
Originally posted by voice-
Sorry, can't find that...all I know is that I can't see your videos...

Hmm, works fine here. MacNN is setting up a streaming server now as well.
You BETTER like my accent, arden. Because I'm not improving it very fast (if at all) ! :p

Yeah, I know, I'm sorry, it's a pain and it's even worse on tape. But I can assure you it's *far* better than the average Frenchman English accent. Even though it's still crappy.

What's wrong with toast's accent? he sound better than 99,9 % of th fre ch i know ;)

and better than one half american (half italian) i know that lives in paris. his english and italian sounds too french.