PC/Mac Networking Broken with Leopard


Hi all,

I have a G4 Powerbook that was running quite Happily with Panther (10.3) and Vista. I was able to view/drag/drop files from the Mac with Vista, and I was able to mount Vista shares on the Mac.

Sigh...it seems the high point of Mac/PC networking was 10.3.3 and has been broken since then, but anyway...

Well...I had to upgrade to Leopard because I got an iPhone (no workee with 10.3) and this has completely broken my networking between the two.

Both the PC (Vista) and the Mac are connected through a Linksys router. Both work fine with the internet. Neither can see each other at all. My normal network bookmark from Vista to the Mac (which worked before going to 10.5) hangs the window, and the Mac see's absoultely nothing. No Network, no shared folders, nothing.

On the mac I do have file sharing enabled. (AFP and SMB) and have shared a number of folders, none of which are visible on the PC. A network share does pop up on the MyComputer (on the PC) network page that is labled MAC000A95EEED68 (or something similar), but clicking on it does not provide access (no permission error message).

Any ideas where to even start? I've looked over the Windoes/Mac networking site, and that seems to be for people who are into enterprise level networking...

Microsoft Vista is very locked down and looking for certain ways to allow people in. So in Leopard you have to add information in TWO places to get into a Vista machine that is looking for. The places are in System Preferences->Network-Advanced then in the WINS tab plus in /Applications/Utilities/Directory application.
Hiya Sat,

Thanks for the infomation.

Any idea where I can get the information for the required fields? I see in the WINS tab that it has a space for the workgroup name, but I can't make anything stay in the field. Similarly, what are the settings in the directory application? I remember putting the workgroup name in there under 10.3, but there doesn't seem to be anything similar.

Is there anyplace that has a walkthrough for the required settings on both ends?

Also, there is no windows sharing tab like 10.3.

I DID get the Mac to log into the PC by using the "Connect to Server", so I know the connection is good.

Thanks for the help.

Did you read this tip at MacWindows.com. It links to sites that might help. Plus in the Leopard machine when you go to System Preferences->Sharing-in there click on the "Options" button and put check marks in the SMB sharing.