pc standard for audio chat?


official breaker of macs.
is there anything on the pc side that is compatible with ichat's 'standard' audio/video chat?
Not yet, but Steve Jobs suggested that others should get on the bandwagon and make it happen. Perhaps an open source project will arise on SourceForge one of these days.
i'm surprised AIM's own client doesn't support it. it's got some sort of audio chat (has had it for years), and since it's carried on the same server, one would think it's the same deal as ichat av.

ah well.

(note: i just realized this doesn't go in this forum. sorry mods =) )
So wait, when iChat goes 1.0, its audio/video features will only be compatible with other iChat users? Why wouldn't they just use the protocol that's already built into AIM?

I don't know anybody else who uses iChat... :(