PC users spout so much hate, yet want to be like us.

Well yanno that link above did that dude really do that to that brand new G5.... WHAT A TOSSER !!!! aw man lol....... He could've given it to me.. But it just shows that macs do look a whole lot better than pc's though it looks ugly afterwards.
So many people (PC people) are either inadequately educated on computers and believe Macs are no more than an electric typewriter, and PCs are the best thing. A young guy at work told me that for the last 18 years I have wasted my money on Apple products.
The Apple stores, and more access to Apple products have helped negate some of the negative myths about the Mac. At the same time, our local Apple store (Albany) has hired several younger people as sale associates. The problem is that they don't know enough about Macs, or computers in general. Older people go in the Apple store with intentions to buy an Apple, they ask questions and get bizarre responses from the sale associates. I have seen this happen several times. At least a potential customer can use the Mac in the store, and see it first hand. :D