People still use FLOPPIES?!?!?!?!


Unofficial Mac Genius
Here's another article from our favorite PC-user-but-increasingly-Mac-lover-ZDNet-writer David Coursey:,10738,2851671,00.html

It talks about floppies, and how Microsoft is considering phasing them out (DAMN, it's taken 4 YEARS).

What's the scariest part of this article, though? The polls. The "last time you used a floppy" poll currently has about 40% of the few thousand respondents saying the last time they used a floppy as "today". The second poll about if you'll miss floppies has the "yes" answer at around 60% of the respondents.

I have three (no, not four, Ballmer) words for you:

lol :p
people come and get PC loans from me where I work and I keep telling them to stop using floppies :p I tell them to use zip disks, much much better, larger and rugged. and cost less :p People dont listen though so I tell them that the floppy drives are VERY picky so even if they find a tinsi weensi error on the disk surface it will ask the to reformat so their presentation goes KAPUT :p hehehe...still people are idiots and still use floppies.

I read that article about 4-5 months ago (or something similar) so I told people to migrate cause floppies are going to be phased out (finally :p) and people STILL dont friggin listen! and when they have problems with them I need to go fix it :mad: idiots:p
Originally posted by Hervé Hinnekens
I own+- 1000 floppies. I am the floppywarrior. I format floppies faster than a pc.

I began shreading ALL of my floppies a few months ago on a whim. I NEVER use my floppies (even my old backups) and have long since burned just about everything I've ever used to CD or DVD by now. Mostly anything worth using is KEPT on my hard drive and thus backed up with the rest of the HD lot when I routinely backup. So why do I need hundreds of isolated and fragmented files on floppies? I Don't! So bye bye. It was fun breaking all those plastic things and ripping the frisbies apart -- while watching the ocassional spring wiz by my head. Doooing!
The only floppies I have left are emotional purpose floppies :p ... like my first ever programming floppy that I used to learn appleSOFT BASIC, and my amiga OS floppies :p
Thanks, I will not offend you but even with a floppydrive I have a higher post counts than you. Take that as a compliment. Here are people who are only doing 3 posts with a total of not much information. If I must consider the efford that is made by people with a post counts of 300 and the quality of information that is here available I think that people like you must be an example.
Damn, I'm only at 275. I still have some work to do. :)

How much freakin' free time do you have??? :)
I still use floppies at school. All my (finance) instructors want a physical (printed) copy as well as the Word and/or Excel document on a floppy. So I had to buy a USB floppy drive when I got my Mac. Heh. :)
word or excell ?!?!?!?!
That is extortion :p do they provide your with those programs if you dont have them >>> hehehe.
How about fiving them PDFs :p ?
i still have to use floppies at college (on wintels which just makes it worse) and we have to back up graphics files on them?? without winzip or anything to split them (can you make an A4 page graphic that's under 1.4MB withough using jpegs?)
Originally posted by mrfluffy
i still have to use floppies at college (on wintels which just makes it worse) and we have to back up graphics files on them?? without winzip or anything to split them (can you make an A4 page graphic that's under 1.4MB withough using jpegs?)

WHAT?!?! Is this a graphic design class or CAD or something? Professional photos can take up to 18 MB per file!
Originally posted by MDLarson

WHAT?!?! Is this a graphic design class or CAD or something? Professional photos can take up to 18 MB per file!
i know my old Q700 (25Mhz, 20MB, 230MB) had some 10MB plus files from photoshop 3. you'll love the software list though
corel draw 5
corel photo-paint 5
word - really, he listed word as one of the tools we'll be using:confused:

luckily we're allowed to use home computers.
I used to carry around 4 zip disks for my work in my CAD classes! and always one for backup b/c some zip drives do get the click of death!!!!!
Yeah I carry around a ZIP disk that I keep all my work on, but when I turn the stuff in it has to be on a floppy.

And yeah, we have to turn everything in using Word format or Excel. If we don't have it, they tell us to use the computer lab.
i gave a box of about 50 unused floppies to my mother in law... she is a first grade teacher. they still use them. she was happy, and i was glad to get rid of them.

myself... only use a floppy in dire emergencies... i usually just burn a cd.
People still use FLOPPIES?!?!?!?!

Thats the same thing I say to people when they tell me to give them something on a disk. Either its small enough to upload to iDisk or some free_with_banner_ad website or its large enough to burn to disk.
Glad you didn't mention 'E-Mail' as an option. It's terrible how some people just send megabyte after megabyte to modem users. ;)
fryke: E-mail is an option, but I agree that it's annoying when people send me large attachments when I never asked them.

My policy is to keep attachments under 100 K or so unless I know the receiver and they explicitly allow me to send attachments larger than that. But usually in corporate or university environments, all people connected to the network have a fast connection that can handle large files and such.

It must be noted, though, that a lot of stuff is small enough to e-mail; papers and text files are usually under 50K, and images (when compressed and correctly formatted) can usually be under 500K.