Permission loss after migration

Hippo Man

Hippo Man
I recently got a new MacBook Pro and migrated from my older MacBook Pro using the Migration Assistant. I'm running 10.5.7. Pretty much everything transferred OK, but now when I log in to my user account on the new machine and try to run launchctl load ..., I get the following error:

launch_msg(): Socket is not connected

These same launchctl commands didn't use to cause an error on my old machine before the migration. Also, launchctl works fine as the root user.

The user ID, login name, and entire directory structure are the same for my user account on the new machine as they were on the old machine; nonetheless, something must be different about it on the new machine.

I'm guessing that this is some sort of permission issue, because I'm noticing that I get asked for the root password more frequently during software installs, etc., than I used to get asked on the old machine.

Can anyone suggest how I can diagnose this apparent permission problem and, of course, how I can fix it?

Thanks in advance.
You shouldn't be asked for your root password.
Do you mean that you're asked for your admin password?
root and admin are not synonymous.

Does rebooting fix your issue?
If you mount your disk first, with "/sbin/mount -uw /" command (without the quotes), does your launchctl command succeed?
Thank you for your response.

Yes, I meant "admin" password, not "root".

Rebooting does not fix the issue.

I'll do that mount a little later and post my results. I presume that I have to boot in single-user mode in order to invoke that mount command, right?
What are you doing when you try the launchctl command? Just try the mount command first... then the launchctl command.
Yes, I know. I just want to know if I need to reboot into single-user mode before issuing that mount followed by launchctl.
By the way, I just now issued that mount command without rebooting into single-user mode, and then I reissued the launchctl command. I got the same error:

launch_msg(): Socket is not connected

This is the launchctl command that resulted in that error:

launchctl load -F us.nadie.hippo.signal-programs.plist

I can issue it with sudo, and then it works without error:

sudo launchctl load -F us.nadie.hippo.signal-programs.plist

On my old machine, I could issue that command without sudo, and it worked fine.